
Je Boh naozaj mojím otcom? Is God Really My Father? / Slovakian - English Children's Gospel Book / Written by Dr. Connie Palm

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Je Boh naozaj mojím otcom? Is God Really My Father?
Slovakian - English Children's Gospel Book

Format: Paperback
Year: 2013
Pages: 74
ISBN: 9788071310785
Size: 230 x 160 mm
Language: Slovak / English

Overview / Prehľad

Is God Really My Father? (Je Boh naozaj mojím otcom?) is a heartfelt children's gospel book that invites young readers to explore profound questions about life and their relationship with God. This bilingual book offers an engaging narrative that encourages children to seek answers to their deepest queries about existence and faith.
Kniha Je Boh naozaj mojím otcom? ti ponúka úprimný pohľad na hlboké otázky o živote a vzťahu s Bohom. Tento dvojjazyčný titul povzbudzuje deti, aby sa zamysleli nad svojimi najhlbšími otázkami o existencii a viere.

Content Highlights / Hlavné Body Obsahu

  • Exploration of Life's Purpose / Preskúmanie Zmyslu Života: The book poses essential questions that resonate with children, such as: Have you ever wondered why you are alive? What is the purpose of life anyway?
    Kniha kladie dôležité otázky, ktoré sú blízke deťom, ako napríklad: Prečo žiješ? Aký je zmysel života?
  • God's Unconditional Love / Božia Bezpodmienečná Láska: Children will discover that God has always loved them and has a beautiful plan for their lives filled with peace, hope, and happiness.
  • Deti sa dozvedia, že Boh ich vždy miloval a má pre ich životy krásny plán plný pokoja, nádeje a šťastia.
  • Illustrations / Ilustrácie: The book features delightful illustrations by Richard Hook and Francis Hook, which help bring the story to life and engage young readers.
  • Kniha obsahuje pôvabné ilustrácie od Richarda Hooka a Francisa Hooka, ktoré oživujú príbeh a zaujímajú mladých čitateľov.

Audience / Cieľová Skupina

This book is perfect for children seeking to understand their faith and identity in God. It's an excellent resource for parents, teachers, and children's ministries aiming to guide young hearts toward a relationship with their heavenly Father.
Tento titul je ideálny pre deti, ktoré sa snažia pochopiť svoju vieru a identitu v Bohu. Je to vynikajúci zdroj pre rodičov, učiteľov a detské služby, ktorí chcú viesť mladé srdcia k vzťahu s ich nebeským Otcom.


#SlovakianBible #ChildrensGospelBook #GodsLove #Faith #BilingualBooks #IsGodMyFather #DrConniePalm #ChristianEducation #JeBohNaozajMojimOtcom

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