
Janus Pannonius görög evangéliumos könyve / Janus Pannonius's Book of the Gospels / Magyar Katolikus Egyház pécsi Püspökség

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Janus Pannonius Görög Evangéliumos Könyve (Janus Pannonius's Book of the Gospels)

UPC: 9789636431822


This beautifully crafted facsimile edition of Janus Pannonius Görög Evangéliumos Könyve presents the timeless Gospels in a bilingual Greek-Hungarian format. Published by the Hungarian Catholic Church in 2009, this hardcover book is a significant cultural and spiritual treasure. It includes continuous commentary on the Gospels, primarily derived from the writings of Greek Church Fathers, making it both a historical artifact and an accessible text for modern readers.

The facsimile edition is based on the original 11th-century codex housed in the University Library of Budapest, once owned by Janus Pannonius, a prominent Renaissance poet and Bishop of Pécs. This volume includes an introduction by Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, and is an essential work for those interested in Christian history, theology, and Renaissance culture.

Product Features

  • Format: Hardcover
  • Pages: 442
  • Languages: Greek-Hungarian parallel text
  • Editor: L. Edward Hazelbaker
  • Publisher: Magyar Katolikus Egyház (Hungarian Catholic Church)
  • Publication Year: 2009
  • ISBN-10: 9636431825
  • ISBN-13: 9789636431822
  • Special Features: Includes introduction by Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, and facsimile reproductions.

Interesting Facts

  • Janus Pannonius (1434–1472) was a Renaissance poet, diplomat, and intellectual who significantly influenced humanist thought in Hungary.
  • The original codex dates back to the 11th century and predates the Great Schism of 1054, symbolizing the unity of the Eastern and Western Churches.
  • This facsimile edition faithfully reproduces the illuminated manuscript once owned by Pannonius, whose extensive library of humanist works was widely respected.
  • The bilingual format makes this work a valuable resource for linguists, historians, and theologians alike.
  • The commentary, derived from the writings of Greek Church Fathers, provides insights into the theological and cultural context of the Gospels.


Publisher: Magyar Katolikus Egyház (Hungarian Catholic Church)
Year: 2009

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#JanusPannonius #GospelBook #FacsimileEdition #GreekHungarian #HungarianCatholicChurch #ChristianHistory #TheologicalStudies #GreekChurchFathers #BiblicalCommentary #CulturalHeritage #RenaissanceScholarship #HumanistLiterature #BartholomewI #ChristianClassics #HistoricalManuscripts #MultilingualBooks #SpiritualGrowth

Hungarian Translation


Janus Pannonius Görög Evangéliumos Könyve gyönyörű fakszimile kiadása bemutatja az Evangéliumok időtálló üzenetét görög-magyar kétnyelvű formátumban. Az eredeti 11. századi kódex a budapesti Egyetemi Könyvtárban található, és egykor Janus Pannonius, a reneszánsz korszak kiemelkedő költőjének tulajdona volt. A könyv folyamatos kommentárokat tartalmaz az evangéliumokhoz, elsősorban a görög egyházatyák írásai alapján, valamint Bartolomaiosz konstantinápolyi ökumenikus pátriárka bevezetőjével gazdagítva.


#JanusPannonius #EvangéliumosKönyv #FakszimileKiadás #GörögMagyar #MagyarKatolikusEgyház #KeresztényTörténelem #TeológiaiTanulmányok #GörögEgyházatyák #BibliaKommentár #KulturálisÖrökség #ReneszánszKutatás #Bartolomaiosz #KeresztényKlasszikusok #TörténelmiKéziratok

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