Italian and Spanish Sculpture - Collection of Old Sculpture in the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts
Publisher: Corvina / Magyar Helikon, Budapest 1977
ISBN 96-320-7037-2 / 9632070372
Product Features | Termék jellemzők
- Author/Szerző: Mária G. Aggházy
- Photography/Fotó: Károly Szelényi
- Design/Tervezés: Tibor Szántó
- Illustrations/Illusztrációk: 48 color plates, 17 black-and-white images
- Language / Nyelv: English / Angol
- Harcover with dust jacket
- 150 pages
- 21.0 x 24.0 cm
Overview | Áttekintés
This comprehensive volume showcases the remarkable sculpture collection of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, featuring works from the 11th through 18th centuries. The book gained international attention following the 1969 confirmation of the museum's Leonardo da Vinci equestrian statue as authentic.
Notable Artists Featured | Jelentős művészek
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Andrea Pisano
- Agostino di Duccio
- Luca della Robbia
- Andrea della Robbia
- Giovanni della Robbia
- Benedetto da Maiano
- Andrea del Verrocchio
- Jacopo Sansovino
- Andrea Riccio
Collection Highlights | Gyűjtemény kiemelései
- Leonardo da Vinci's equestrian statue maquette (unique surviving piece)
- Comprehensive Italian sculpture collection
- Selected Spanish sculptures with Italian stylistic influences
- Development of plastic arts across seven centuries
Hashtags | Címkék
#FineArts #ItalianSculpture #SpanishSculpture #MuseumCollection #RenaissanceArt #BudapestMuseum #ArtHistory #SzépművészetiMúzeum