Injiilka sida Luukos u Qoray – Somali Language Gospel of Luke
Product Details | Faahfaahinta Buugga
- Title | Cinwaanka: Injiilka sida Luukos u Qoray – Somali Language Gospel of Luke
- Format | Nooca: Paperback 2020
- ISBN-13: 9783961625215
- ISBN-10: 3961625212
- Pages | Bogagga: 94
- Publisher | Daabacaha: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Language | Luuqadda: Somali
Description | Sharaxaad
Injiilka sida Luukos u Qoray is the Gospel of Luke in the Somali language, presenting the life, teachings, and salvation message of Jesus Christ in a clear and accessible way. As a Great Soul-Winning Booklet, this edition is perfect for evangelism, Bible study, and personal spiritual growth.
Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag, this compact and easy-to-read format is ideal for Somali-speaking readers who seek to understand the Gospel and the love of Christ. It serves as a powerful outreach tool for those sharing the Christian faith within the Somali community.
Injiilka sida Luukos u Qoray waa Injiilka Luukos oo ku qoran luuqadda Soomaaliga, wuxuuna soo bandhigayaa nolosha, waxbarista, iyo farriinta badbaadada ee Ciise Masiix si cad oo la fahmi karo. Waa Buug Muhiim u ah Gaadhsiinta Ruuxyada oo ku habboon wacdi, barashada Kitaabka Quduuska ah, iyo kobaca ruuxiga ah ee shakhsiga.
Waxaa daabacay Gute Botschaft Verlag, noocaan fudud oo la akhrin karo wuxuu aad ugu habboon yahay dadka luuqadda Soomaaliga ku hadla ee doonaya inay fahmaan Injiilka iyo jacaylka Masiixa. Waa qalab weyn oo loogu talagalay fidinta diinta Masiixiga ee bulshada Soomaaliyeed.
Key Features | Astaamaha Muhiimka ah
✔ Accurate Somali Translation | Turjumid sax ah oo Af-Soomaali ah – Faithful to the original Gospel of Luke. | Waa tarjumaad daacad ah oo la jaanqaadaysa Injiilka Luukos.
✔ Perfect for Evangelism | Ku Habboon Wacdiga – A great resource for sharing the Good News with Somali speakers. | Waa qalab weyn oo loogu talagalay la wadaagga farriinta wanaagsan ee dadka Soomaalida ah.
✔ Clear and Readable Format | Qaab Fudud oo La Akhrin Karo – Designed for easy understanding. | Waxaa loo diyaariyay si loo fududeeyo fahamka.
✔ Compact & Portable | Fudud oo La Qaadi Karo – Convenient for outreach and distribution. | Aad ugu habboon fidinta iyo qaybinta.
✔ Focus on Jesus' Teachings | Xoog saarista Waxbaridda Ciise – Highlights His miracles, parables, and message of salvation. | Wuxuu iftiiminayaa mucjisooyinkiisa, masaalladiisa, iyo farriintiisa badbaadada.
Interesting Facts | Xaqiiqooyin Xiiso Leh
Why the Gospel of Luke? | Maxaad u dooranaysaa Injiilka Luukos? – Luke’s Gospel provides a detailed and compassionate account of Jesus' life, ministry, and mission to save the lost.
Unique Themes | Mawduucyo Gaar Ah – The Gospel of Luke emphasizes God’s mercy, Jesus’ love for all people, and the call to repentance.
A Global Message | Farriin Caalami Ah – This booklet makes the Gospel accessible to Somali speakers worldwide.
Maxaad u dooranaysaa Injiilka Luukos? – Injiilka Luukos wuxuu bixiyaa faahfaahin iyo dareen naxariis leh oo ku saabsan nolosha, adeegga, iyo himilada Ciise ee badbaadada dadka lumay.
Mawduucyo Gaar Ah – Injiilka Luukos wuxuu xoogga saarayaa naxariista Ilaahay, jacaylka Ciise ee dadka oo dhan, iyo baaqa toobadda.
Farriin Caalami Ah – Buuggani wuxuu ka dhigaya Injiilka mid la heli karo oo ay akhrin karaan dadka Soomaalida ah meel kasta oo ay joogaan.
Publisher | Daabacaha
Gute Botschaft Verlag – Committed to spreading the Gospel through faith-based literature and evangelism resources worldwide.
Gute Botschaft Verlag – Waxaa ka go’an fidinta Injiilka iyada oo la adeegsanayo qoraallo diimeed iyo agabka fidinta diinta Masiixiga ee caalamka oo dhan.
Reader Reviews | Fikirka Akhristayaasha
"A wonderful translation that makes the Gospel easy to understand."
"Perfect for sharing the message of Christ with Somali-speaking friends."
"A great resource for evangelism and personal study."
"Turjumad aad u fiican oo ka dhigaysa Injiilka mid si fudud loo fahmi karo."
"Ku habboon la wadaagga farriinta Masiixa ee asxaabta ku hadasha Af-Soomaaliga."
"Qalab weyn oo loogu talagalay fidinta diinta iyo barashada shakhsiga ah."
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#GospelOfLuke #SomaliBible #InjiilkaLuukos #Faith #Evangelism #JesusChrist #SoulWinning #Christianity #GuteBotschaftVerlag