Ilka's Kitchen: Stories and Recipes from My Hungarian Heritage (Second Edition)
ISBN: 978-0645309775 / 9780645309775
A heartfelt collection of Hungarian recipes and family stories by second-generation Hungarian-Australian Ilona "Ilka" Kocsis. This cookbook combines traditional Hungarian cuisine with personal narratives, making authentic Hungarian cooking accessible to modern home cooks while preserving cultural heritage through food and storytelling.
ABOUT THE AUTHORIlona ‘Ilka’ Kocsis is a second-generation HungarianAustralian with a deep love for the culture and foodof her heritage. Ilka’s parents were refugees fromthe Hungarian Revolution in 1956. They settled inAustralia where Ilka was born and raised. She had verylittle exposure to her Hungarian heritage as a child andover the years she has reconnected with her Hungarianroots. Cooking Hungarian food, visits to meet familyand travels to numerous parts of Hungary have helpedher strengthen these ties to her heritage.ABOUT THE BOOKThis book is a tribute to Ilka’s Hungarian heritage.She believes it is her role to keep Hungariancuisine and traditions alive to pass on to futuregenerations of Hungarian diaspora.Join Ilka as she shares her take on her favouriteHungarian recipes, interspersed with stories of familyand travels. Along the way you’ll discover how easy it isto cook delicious and satisfying Hungarian food.
Product Features
- Format: Cookbook with stories
- Edition: Second Edition (2024)
- Language of the text: English
- 180 Pages
- Paperback / Heavy High Quality Photo Printed Pages
- Author: Ilona Kocsis
- Photography: Primarily by Ilona Kocsis with selected stock images
- Location: Perth, Western Australia
- Professional editing by Ingrid Waltham
- Book design by Anna Maley-Fadgyas
- Printing: Daniels Printing Craftsmen
- Publication History: First published 2022, reprinted 2023, 2024
Interesting Facts
- The author is a second-generation Hungarian Australian
- The book combines both traditional Hungarian recipes and personal family stories
- Features original photography by the author
- Registered with both the State Library of Western Australia and National Library of Australia
- Designed to make Hungarian cooking accessible to modern home cooks
- Includes travel stories alongside recipes
Publishers Information
Self-published in Perth, Western Australia Available in the National Library of Australia catalogue
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#HungarianCooking #CookbookCollection #FamilyRecipes #CulturalHeritage #AustralianAuthors #HungarianCuisine #FoodMemories #CookingTraditions
Magyar fordítás (Hungarian Translation):
Kocsis Ilona "Ilka" magyar-ausztrál szakácskönyve személyes történetekkel és receptekkel mutatja be a magyar gasztronómiai hagyományokat. A könyv ötvözi a hagyományos magyar konyhát családi történetekkel, így téve elérhetővé a magyar főzést a modern háziasszonyok számára, miközben megőrzi kulturális örökségünket.
Érdekes tények
- A szerző másodgenerációs magyar-ausztrál
- A könyv ötvözi a hagyományos magyar recepteket és családi történeteket
- Eredeti fényképekkel illusztrált
- A modern háziasszonyok számára is könnyen követhető recepteket tartalmaz
- Utazási élményeket is tartalmaz a receptek mellett
#MagyarKonyha #Szakácskönyv #CsaládiReceptek #KulturálisÖrökség #MagyarGasztronómia