Ideje az ölelésnek Történet a reményről, gyógyulásról, és az élet gazdagságáról by Karen Kingsbury - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF A Time to Embrace (Timeless Love Series Book 2) / The resiliency of love, the power of commitment, the faithfulness of God.
ISBN: 9786155246401 / 978-6155246401
ISBN-10: 6155246401
PAGES: 364
About the Author:
Karen Kingsbury is a New York Times bestselling author.
Hungarian Summary:
Az Ideje az ölelésnek története nem mindennapi fordulatok során át mutatja meg, mit bír ki a házasság „hármas köteléke”, és merre visz azoknak az útja, akik bizalmukat a gyógyító, reményt adó és mindent az Őt szeretők javára fordító Istenbe vetik.
Az Ideje a táncnak című regényben megismert „tökéletes” házaspár, Abby és John kapcsolata erősebb, mint valaha. A pár életében azonban új kihívás jelenik meg: John csípőtől lefelé megbénul egy autóbalesetben…
English Summary:
Their whole life together has been a series of miracles. Can they really hope for more?
After overcoming a crisis in their marriage, Abby and John Reynolds are experiencing a season of joy and restoration. For the first time in years they're making time to enjoy life and embrace each other. And John loves his coaching job . . . at least he did until high-school politics make him wonder if it's time to quit.
As they wrestle with that situation, something greater rocks their world. A car accident causes Abby and John to suddenly face a future they never imagined—all because of one teen's thoughtlessness. Fumbling for forgiveness and hoping for a miracle, they must remember what is important and cling to that above all else. God is moving mightily in their lives . . . if they can just hold on to Him and each other.
The second novel in Karen Kingsbury's celebrated series about the resiliency of love, the power of commitment, and the amazing faithfulness of God.