Időutazás a Biblia Világában - The Lion Bible in its time - Time travel to Bible World / Írta: Lois Rock / Illusztrálta: Steve Noon / Fordította: Zsuppán András / TRANSLATED TO HUNGARIAN LANGUAGE / HARDCOVER
Szaklektor: Kövér András hebraista
Szerző: Lois Rock
Nyelv: Magyar - Hungarian Language
This book enables young readers to access the great sweep of the Bible by linking its main stories and people to its fascinating and diverse historical and geographical setting. Key to this book are 14 astonishingly detailed reconstructive vistas from the ancient world, picking out salient points in biblical history including the great flood, the people of Israel in Egypt, Jerusalem, Capernaum, and more. These vistas punctuate chapters which further uncover the people, places and events of the Bible, illustrated with carefully referenced narrative pictures and informative maps which continue to unfold the great sweep of biblical events. The result is engaging and accessible to young readers, both browsers and aspiring scholars.
Adults could get a lot from it as well as young and older children.
The detailed pictures at the start of the many chapters are works of art and imagination that reward careful inspection – with a magnifying glass you can spot things you would miss otherwise. It really is worth the effort!
The book is liberally illustrated, and where these are based on known facts the reference is given, but many say this or that might have been as portrayed, we cannot know for certain and this is made clear.
The amount of known facts is truly amazing and the text sets out clearly – albeit briefly – the History of the times the books of the Bible are set within.
A book to read through, a book to dip into, a book to enjoy and learn from.