Hungarian Folk Music / Qualiton LP
LPX 1187
Product Features
- Label: Qualiton – LPX 1187
- Format: Vinyl, LP
- Country: Hungary
- Genre: Folk, World, & Country
- Style: Folk, Népzene
Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Hungarian folk music with this classic vinyl LP from Qualiton. "Hungarian Folk Music" captures the essence of Hungary's cultural heritage through a collection of traditional songs and melodies. This LP offers a unique auditory experience, transporting listeners to the heart of Hungary with each track. Perfect for collectors, music enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the vibrant sounds of folk music, this record provides a window into the soul of Hungarian traditions.
Interesting Facts
- Label History: Qualiton was a prominent Hungarian record label known for its dedication to preserving and promoting traditional Hungarian music.
- Cultural Significance: Hungarian folk music, or "népzene," is deeply rooted in the country's history and is characterized by its unique rhythms and scales, often accompanied by traditional instruments such as the cimbalom and the violin.
- Cover Design: The LP cover was designed by Győző Varga, a noted Hungarian artist, adding visual appeal to the auditory experience.
- Track Diversity: The album includes a variety of songs that reflect different aspects of Hungarian life, from love and nature to work and celebration.
Track Listing
Side A:
- Röpülj Páva, Röpülj - Fly Peacock, Fly!
- Túr A Diszonó A Verembe - Swines Are Grouting In The Ditch
- Haj, Dunárul Fúj A Szél - Ah, The Wind Blows From Beyond The Danube
- Kék Ibolya, Ha Leszakajtanálak - Blue Violet, If I Picked You
- Hej, Rozmaring, Rozmaring! - Ah Rosemary, Rosemary!
- Madárka, Madárka, Ne Zavard A Vizet - Birdie, Birdie, Don't Splash The Water!
- Hallottad-e Hírit Bereg Vármegyének? - Have You Ever Heard Of The Famous County Bereg?
- Miskólc Fele Viszen Egy Út - There Leads A Way Towards Miskolc
- Szerelem, Szerelem, Átkozott Gyötrelem! - Love, Love Thou Cursed Torture!
- Pista Bácsi, János Bácsi - Uncle Stephen, Uncle John
- Szörnyű Nagy Romlással (Romlásra) Kézult Pannónia - Pannonia Was To Face A Horrible Disaster
- Jaj, Jaj Énnekem Bánatos Anának! - Alas, Alas For Me, For A Grieved Mother!
- Elmegyek, Elmegyek - I'll Go Away, I'll Go Away
Side B:
- Haj Szén'alja, Szén'alja - Ah, Bundle Of Hay, Bundle Of Hay
- Kelj Fel, Gazda, Kelj Fel! - Get Up, Husband, Get Up!
- Ludasim, Pajtásim - Goose-girls, Playmates
- A Fényes Nap Immán Elnyugodott - The Glorious Sun Has Set
- Rákoci Kocsmába Két Karajcár A Bor - A Drink Of Wine Costs Two Kreutzers In The Rákóci Tavern
- Quick Magyar
- Üröm, Üröm, Fehér Üröm - Wormwood, Wormwood, White Wormwood
- Elszaladt Az Aranygulya - The Herd Of Cattle Has Run Away 9a. Szépen Úszik A Vadkacsa A Vízen - How Nicely The Wild Duck Swims 9b. Citányéron Jó A Cukros Pogácsa - Nice Looks The Sweet Flead Cake In A Pewter Plate 9c. Én Istenem, Minek Is Teremtettél? - My Lord! Why Didst Thou Make Me In This World?
- Verbunkos
Key Credits
- Design [Cover]: Győző Varga
- Producer: Qualiton
BOX #106