House of Gold - Understanding the Tabernacle of Israel (Chinese Edition)
"House of Gold," written by Paul F. Keine and J. Rouw, is a beautifully illustrated booklet that serves as a foundational educational guide to understanding the book of Exodus, focusing on the spiritual significance of the Tabernacle of Israel. Written in simple language with short, concise sentences, this booklet is perfect for Bible study groups, Sunday schools, and young people's classes. Its full-color illustrations make the teachings of the Tabernacle vivid and engaging for all readers.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Publication Year: 1999
- Pages: 53
- Language: Chinese (Simplified)
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Purpose: Educational aid for understanding the spiritual meaning of the Tabernacle
Interesting Facts
- The booklet provides a detailed yet accessible explanation of the Tabernacle, an essential part of Israel's history as described in the book of Exodus.
- Full-color illustrations enhance the learning experience, helping readers visualize the Tabernacle and its elements.
- Its concise writing style makes it an ideal resource for young people, new believers, and those exploring the Bible for the first time.
- Authored by Paul F. Keine and J. Rouw, who are known for their ability to present complex biblical themes in an understandable manner.
- Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag, a trusted name in Christian literature committed to spreading God's word globally.
Gute Botschaft Verlag (GBV) is a well-established Christian publisher known for its dedication to producing biblically sound and spiritually enriching literature.
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#HouseOfGold #TabernacleOfIsrael #ChristianBooks #BibleStudy #ExodusExplained #SundaySchool #FaithResources #GuteBotschaftVerlag #ChristianEducation #BiblicalIllustrations
中文描述 (Chinese Description)
《金屋》由Paul F. Keine和J. Rouw撰写,是一本精美插图的小册子,旨在帮助读者理解《出埃及记》,特别是以色列会幕的属灵意义。本书采用简单的语言和简短的句子编写,适合圣经学习小组、主日学以及青少年课程。全彩插图生动呈现会幕的教义,使读者更易于理解和学习。
- 形式: 精装本
- 出版年份: 1999年
- 页数: 53页
- 语言: 简体中文
- 出版社: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- 用途: 理解以色列会幕属灵意义的教育辅助
- 本册子深入浅出地讲解了会幕,这是《出埃及记》中以色列历史的重要部分。
- 全彩插图增强了学习体验,帮助读者更直观地理解会幕及其各部分。
- 简洁的写作风格使其成为青少年、新信徒以及初学圣经者的理想资源。
- 本书作者Paul F. Keine和J. Rouw擅长将复杂的圣经主题以易懂的方式呈现。
- 由Gute Botschaft Verlag出版,该出版社以传播神的话语和出版高质量基督教书籍而闻名。
Gute Botschaft Verlag(GBV)是一家历史悠久的基督教出版社,以出版符合圣经教义、具有属灵启发意义的文学作品而闻名。
#金屋 #以色列会幕 #基督教书籍 #圣经学习 #出埃及记讲解 #主日学 #信仰资源 #GuteBotschaftVerlag #基督教教育 #圣经插图