Hope for Our Troubled Times / A Family Series / FROM THE BIBLE-TEACHING MINISTRY OF CHARLES R. SWINDOLL / IFL Publishing House / Paperback
ISBN-13: 9781579728557 / 978-1579728557
Printed in the USA
It's a tragic reality to live in fear of our world. We may live in fear of neighborhood violence, drugs in our schools, or sexual images plastered on billboards. And to think, we even have to send our kids out into that mess!
Such an aggressive presence of evil in our world can often leave us feeling disoriented and unsure of ourselves and what we believe. Unfortunately, much in our world and in the church has gone astray, serving only to frustrate and confuse people about Christianity rather than lead them to the Truth.
In this contribution to the Insight for Living Family Series, Chuck Swindoll and trusted ministry leaders speak directly about our times. Addressing parents of preteen, middle school, and high school students as well as adult men and women, the writers chart a path through the troubling changes and dis- turbing deceptions that characterize our world. With biblical insight and wisdom, Hope for Our Troubled Times will guide you through these difficult issues and give you hope, so that you need not feel fearful amid the competing ideals of our day.