
Hop Gar Kung-Fu Big Arhat Fist 大罗汉拳 俏佳人发行 DVD Video

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Hop Gar Kung-Fu / Big Arhat Fist / 大罗汉拳 | 俏佳人发行 | DVD Video

产品信息 / Product Information

  • UPC: 9787887218377
  • 产品类型 / Product Type: DVD Video
  • 区域信息 / Region: 0 (全区 / All Region)
  • 格式 / Format: NTSC
  • 时长 / Running Time: 71 分钟 / 71 minutes
  • 产地 / Made in: 中国 / China
  • 音频 / Audio: 中文 / Chinese
  • 字幕 / Subtitles: 中文和英语 / Chinese and English
  • 编码 / Encoding: MPEG-2, DVD-5
  • 画面比例 / Aspect Ratio: 4:3
  • 音效 / Sound: DOLBY AC-3 DIGITAL

概述 / Overview

大罗汉拳 / Hop Gar Kung-Fu 是广东南拳的代表之一,广泛流行于广州、香港和澳门。该拳法以动作简单、出拳迅速、灵活多变和力量强劲为特点。其技术手法丰富,包括扑翼手、鹤顶手和长桥大马等,动作幅度大,注重发力,基本手法包括鞭捶、虎爪和独脚穿桥等。


Explainer: Lin Xin, the first generation disciple of Deng Jintao and a prominent martial artist in the southern style of the film industry.

Hop Gar Kung-Fu / Big Arhat Fist is a key representative of South Chinese martial arts, especially popular in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Macao. This style is characterized by its simplicity in movement, speed in punching, flexibility in footwork, and strength in execution. The techniques are varied and powerful, including Wing Hands, Crane Hand, and Bridge Stance, with large movement scales focusing on whirling. Basic hand skills include slashing, Tiger Claw, and One Leg Stance.

Big Arhat Fist is the advanced form, while Small Arhat Fist is the primary level, and Tiger and Crane's Battle is the intermediate level. This teaching video will help you grasp the essence of Big Arhat Fist and enhance your martial arts skills.

产品特点 / Product Features

  • 全区兼容性 / Region-Free Compatibility: 全区 DVD(区域 0),适合全球播放 / All Region DVD (Region 0), compatible worldwide.
  • 音频与字幕 / Audio and Subtitles: 提供中文音频及中英文字幕,满足不同语言观众的需求 / Features Chinese audio with Chinese and English subtitles for diverse audiences.
  • 制作质量 / Production Quality: MPEG-2 编码,NTSC 格式,DOLBY AC-3 DIGITAL 音效,确保优质视听体验 / Encoded in MPEG-2 with NTSC format and DOLBY AC-3 DIGITAL sound for a superior viewing experience.
  • 教学内容 / Teaching Content: 本视频由南派武术大师林欣主讲,包含详细的动作示范和技术解析,适合各级武术学习者 / Presented by Lin Xin, a master of southern martial arts, the video includes detailed demonstrations and technical analysis suitable for learners of all levels.

有趣的事实 / Interesting Facts

侠家拳的历史 / History of Hup Gar Kuen

  • 侠家拳是广东南拳的重要分支,源远流长,广受欢迎,是研究中国武术的重要组成部分。 / Hup Gar Kuen is an important branch of South Chinese martial arts with a long history, and it is a significant part of Chinese martial arts studies.

武术大师林欣 / Martial Artist Lin Xin

  • 林欣是邓锦涛的嫡传弟子,在南派武术界声誉卓著,参与多部武术电影的拍摄,致力于弘扬南派武术。 / Lin Xin, a direct disciple of Deng Jintao, is renowned in the southern martial arts community and has participated in multiple martial arts films, dedicated to promoting southern martial arts.

发行信息 / Publishers

产地 / Produced in: 中国 / China

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标签 / Hashtags


#HopGarKungFu #BigArhatFist #ChineseMartialArts #SouthernMartialArts #KungFuDVD #LinXin #MartialArtsTeaching #HupGarKuen

中文 (标签):

#大罗汉拳 #侠家拳 #中国武术 #南派武术 #武术DVD #林欣 #武术教学 #侠家拳





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