Holy Torah in Pakistani (Yousafzai) Pashto
ISBN: 9789692509206 / 978-9692509206
Printed in Pakistan
Product Features
- Publisher: Pakistan Bible Society
- Hardcover
- Publication Year: 2019 / 1441
- Print Run: 5,000 copies
- Language: Yousafzai Pashto
- ISBN: 978-9692509206
- Source: Translated from Original Hebrew
- Website:
Overview / جاج
[English] A complete translation of the Torah (first five books of the Hebrew Bible) into Pakistani Yousafzai Pashto dialect. This edition represents a significant effort to make these sacred texts accessible to Pashto-speaking communities while maintaining fidelity to the original Hebrew text.
[Pashto] دا د تورات شریف پښتو ژباړه ده چې د اصلي عبراني متن څخه په یوسفزۍ پښتو کې ژباړل شوې ده. دا کتاب د پښتنو لپاره د مقدس متن د پوهېدو او لوستلو لپاره یو مهم وسیله ده.
Contents / محتویات
- د پیدایښت کتاب (Genesis)
- د هجرت کتاب (Exodus)
- د لیویانو کتاب (Leviticus)
- د شمير کتاب (Numbers)
- د گردان کتاب (Deuteronomy)
Usage Rights
- Up to 500 verses may be quoted without written permission
- Quotes must not exceed 25% of total work
- Copyright notice must be included
- Available in written, visual, electronic, and audio formats
Pakistan Bible Society Lahore, Pakistan
#PashtoBible #Torah #PakistanBibleSociety #YousafzaiPashto #ScriptureTranslation #PashtoLiterature