Hitting the Apex DVD 2015 Maradj Íven / Directed by Mark Neale / Narrated by: Brad Pitt / Jorge Lorenzo, Valentino Rossi, Casey Stoner / Moto GP Sport documentary
UPC 8590548601125
AUDIO: English 5.1
SUBTITLES: English, Hungarian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hindi, Dutch, Icelandic, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, German, Norwegian, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Total Runtime: 133 minutes
English Summary:
'Hitting the Apex' is the story of six fighters - six of the fastest motorcycle racers the world has ever seen - and of the fates that awaited them at the peak of the sport.
When it comes to sports documentaries, loving or hating them usually comes down to whether or not you're a fan of the sport being featured - Which is not the case for the recently released MotoGP documentary Hitting the Apex. The film manages to transcend MotoGP fandom by weaving a narrative that humanizes the superstars of the sport While the film is a must for MotoGP fans, it's a documentary that will also appeal to a wider audience.
From Director Mark Neale, Hitting the Apex chronicles years of MotoGP championship battles between Valentino Rossi, Jorge Lorenzo, Marco Simoncelli and Marc Marquez. Narrated by Brad Pitt, the film balances histrionic play-by-play sequences with deep dives into the personalities of the motorsport's biggest names as they ascend from junior racers to world champions. The beautifully shot film conveys the nail-biting ebb and flow of championship racing battles while giving viewers a deeply, intimate look the human side of the sport. The film's strongest moments happen off of the motorcycles when Neal shows us what the superheroes of motorcycle racing are like without their superhero armor.
Hungarian Summary:
A Maradj íven! minden idők hat leggyorsabb motorversenyzőjének történetébe nyújt betekintést, amelyből kiderül az is, milyen végzet várt rájuk a sportág fénykorában. Mindannyiuk számára sok forgott kockán, miközben több mint háromszáz kilométeres óránkénti sebességgel hajszolták a dicsőséget - motorkerékpáron. A film a magas fordulatszámon pörgő sport rejtelmeibe avatja be a nézőt, és azokba az időkbe kalauzol el, amikor sebességrekordok dőltek és zseniális tehetségek száguldottak a pályán.
Appearances / Szereplők:
Jorgë Lorenzo
José Manuel Lorenzo
Marc Marquez
Dani Pedrosa
Brad Pitt - narrator
Graziano Rossi
Valentino Rossi
Marco Simoncelli
Paolo Simoncelli
Casey Stoner
Mark NealeWriter:
Mark Neale
Brad Pitt, Sarah Esberg (ügyvezető) Matt Flanders (társ) Dede Gardner (ügyvezető) Jeremy Kleiner (ügyvezető) Steve Natt (társ) Mark Neale
Grant Gee Chris Norr Jan Zabeil
Bruce Ashley Jerry Chater Mark Neale