Hezkirina Herî Mezin (Love at Its Greatest) – Kurdish (Kurmanji Dialect) Booklet
Hezkirina Herî Mezin (Love at Its Greatest) in Kurdish (Kurmanji dialect) is a heartfelt presentation of the essential Christian message encapsulated in John 3:16. This verse, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life," serves as the cornerstone of the Christian gospel and is expressed with clarity and depth in this booklet.
The booklet reveals God's love for humanity, showing how His greatest act of mercy was the sacrifice of His Son for the salvation of mankind. This message of love and redemption is presented as the greatest gift that God offers, underscoring the highest price ever paid for our salvation. With its simple, yet profound message, this publication invites readers to reflect on the immense love that God has for all people, extending an open invitation to receive His everlasting life.
This booklet serves not only as a spiritual reflection but also as an accessible introduction to the core principles of Christianity for the Kurdish-speaking community, particularly for those who may be new to the faith or looking to deepen their understanding of God's love.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Language: Kurdish (Kurmanji)
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Publication Year: 2016
Interesting Facts
- Hezkirina Herî Mezin is a key resource for spreading the message of God's love within the Kurdish-speaking community, particularly for Kurmanji speakers.
- The booklet focuses on John 3:16, one of the most well-known and profound verses in the Christian Bible, which captures the essence of the gospel in a simple, personal way.
- Gute Botschaft Verlag is committed to providing Christian literature in various languages, ensuring that the gospel is accessible to people across different cultures and linguistic backgrounds.
- Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Publication Year: 2016
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#KurdishChristianLiterature #KurmanjiBible #LoveAtItsGreatest #John316 #ChristianFaith #GuteBotschaftVerlag #KurdishFaith #EvangelismInKurdish #ChristianBooklet #KurdishGospel #GodsLove #SalvationInChrist #KurmanjiChristianResources
Kurdish Translation
Hezkirina Herî Mezin (Love at Its Greatest) di zimanê Kurdî (Kurmanjî) de ye, ku mesaja sereke ya Îsâ Mesîhê di Yuhanna 3:16 de tê pêşkêşkirin. Ev verse, "Ji ber ku Xwedê ev dinyayê hejî dikir, ku Wî Yekîyê Zivistanê xwe da, ku her kes ji wî bawer bike, ne mirinê, lê jiyanê hevedîtinê." ew mesaja bingehîn a Xwedê têgihîştinê, di hevpeyvîna ekserê û pergalê, wekî yewtîbîna serekî ji bo hûnê bi taybetî.
Ev hezkirina Xwedê ya ji bo mirovatiyê diheqîne de herî mezin e û ew têkiliyê piçûk yên merc û diyarîdê bi hîndek jiyanê mezin têkevin, ku dikare her kes vê jiyanê bi mezinbûna Xwedê bînin.
Interesting Facts
- Hezkirina Herî Mezin yek ji çavkanîna girîng yê nûçeyên mesaja Xwedê li ser şaxa Kurdî Kurmanjî ye, taybet ji bo kurdan ku ji nû ve têne îmanê.
- Bookletê di derbarê Yuhanna 3:16 de diyar dike, ku ev verse ji bo xwedîtiya Îsâ Mesîhê û tiştên bingehîn a îmanê ya Kirîstiyanî têne şîrove kirin.
- Gute Botschaft Verlag herî keremê xwe kiriye ku helwestên kirîstiyanî li ser şaxa zimanên cuda, mînakî zimanên Kurmancî bi sernavê wan bibîne, ji bo bi taybetî şaredariyekîtina helwestê.
#KurdîKirîstiyanî #KurmanjiBible #LoveAtItsGreatest #John316 #ÎmanênKirîstiyanî #GuteBotschaftVerlag #KurdîÎman #EvangelîzmêLiKurdî #ChristianBooklet #KurdîGospel #HezkirinêXwedê #SalvationInChrist #KurmanjiChristianResources