Have you Heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? Malay Language Edition / Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang Empat Hukum Rohani? Gospel Tract for Outreach
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Product Details
- Paperback: 16 pages
- Publisher: Bible Society
- Language: Malay
This booklet is a great way to spread the gospel of Christ.It goes into detail without becoming boring. It makes the way to salvation and why salvation is needed very clear. If you want a practical, transferable, and effective means of communicating the claims of Jesus Christ to friends, co-workers, and neighbors, this tool will help. It is direct, simple, contains the gospel, and can be left with the person so they can review it later. It also has a simple "follow-up"tool built in if someone places their faith in Christ. It stresses faith in the historic gospel, Christ as God's only provision for sin, God's love, and mankind's need for a savior.