Half of Two Paisas the Extraordinary Mission of Abdul Sattar Edhi and Bilquis Edhi / Oxford University Press
ISBN 9780199068524 / 978-0199068524
ISBN-10: 0199068526
Publisher: Karachi ; Oxford University Press ; 2013
172 pages
Language of the book is ENGLISH
Here are two paisas,’ said Edhi’s mother each day, ‘One is for you, the other is for someone who needs it: just look out for him.’ Abdul Sattar Edhi and his wife Bilquis Edhi are a husband and wife team from Pakistan who have an international reputation for the mission which they have taken up as their life-work. Their story is a moving and inspiring one, which needs to be better known. Translated into English from the original Italian, this book presents an overall framework in which Abdul Sattar Edhi and Bilquis Edhi, internationally renowned social workers, are described and contextualized within Karachi and Pakistan. It is particularly valuable for the light it throws upon society in Pakistan and the changes it is going through.
‘Any comparison with the Red Cross, Save the Children, Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) is literally impossible. All these organizations are excellent in their own field of action, but none of them covers such a wide area of human needs.’ – Italian Ambassador, Sergio Romano, on the occasion of the Balzan Prize to Edhi