Ha az állatok beszélni tudnának by Wrner Gitt - Karl-Heinz Vanhaiden - Hungarian translation of If Animals Could Talk / If animals could tell us about themselves,what they would say would be unique praise to the Creator.
ISBN: 9637838317
About the Author:
Werner Gitt, with a doctorate in engineering, has been a professor at the Federal Physics-Technology Institute in Braunschweig, Germany, since 1971. He has written numerous scientific papers as well as several popular books for the lay reader, and is a guest lecturer on the subject of the Bible and Science in Basel, Switzerland.
Hungarian Summary:
Az állatoknak egymás megértéséhez rendkívül hatékony kommunikációs rendszerük van. Nemképesek viszont velünk emberi nyelven beszélgetni. Így most a könyv szerzői töltik be az állatok szerepét és helyettük ők fognak beszélni. A felvetődő kérdéseket mintegy maga az állat válaszolja meg egy kitalált beszélgetés során. Ily módon valamennyi „bemutatkozás” élővé és olvasmányossá válik, de a nehezebb szakmai kérdésekben is tudományosan megalapozott marad. A könyv mindenkihez szól, fiatalokhoz, felnőttekhez, laikusokhoz és szakemberekhez.
English Summary:
If animals could tell us about themselves, using our scientific knowledge, if they could tell us about the way they live, the special way they are made and many details about their individual design - what they would say would be unique praise to the Creator.
- Did you know that while in flight, the sparrow's heart can beat up to 760 times per minute?
- Or that a baby blue whale grows at a rate of 7.28 pounds an hour while it's nursing, a grand total of 17 tons by the end of the nursing stage?
- How about that glow worms have a light output efficiency of 100% as compared to only 4% for our incandescent bulbs?
Dr. Werner Gitt, one of the foremost creationist speakers in the world, uses his scientific expertise in this book to show the unique design features of some of God's most captivating creations. All people, young and old, layperson or expert, will be able to understand and enjoy this straightforward book. Told from the perspective of the animals being described, If Animals Could Talkclearly shows the impossibility of life without design. Dr. Gitt uses simple language to provoke a sense of wonder and awe at the marvelous design of the Creator.