Gypsy (Gipsy): The Gospel of Matthew in Baltic Romany Language, Lithuanian Dialect
Evangelia Matejostyr - Baltyko Raomani Chib
Overview (English)
The Gospel of Matthew in the Baltic Romany language, Lithuanian dialect (Evangelia Matejostyr - Baltyko Raomani Chib), is a unique and profound translation tailored for Romani-speaking communities. Published by the Bible Society in 1993, this edition provides access to the teachings of Jesus Christ in the native language of the Baltic Romani people, fostering a deeper spiritual connection and preserving cultural identity.
Overview (Romany)
Evangelia Matejostyr ando Baltyko Raomani Chib si ek baro shibako traducto kai delpe o Shiba ande raomane lava. O Biblijako Kumpanija publikarel peskro 1993 beršes. Kado leksiko le Devlesko dikharel anglal o manusura le raomane čhibakes, kerdyandine baripen le vakezime anglal Khristoska vi ando sakralipen le romane averthanesko.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Bible Society (1993)
- Language: Baltic Romany (Lithuanian Dialect)
- Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.8 x 0.2 inches
- Weight: 0.8 ounces
Čhono parametre (Romany)
- Forma: Papir
- Publikatora: Biblijako Kumpanija (1993)
- Čhib: Baltyko Raomani (Litovijano Dialecto)
- Dimencijona: 8.2 x 5.8 x 0.2 inchura
- Težina: 0.8 unča
Interesting Facts
- The Romani language, originating from India, shares linguistic roots with northern Indian languages like Hindi and Gujarati.
- Baltic Romany is one of the many dialects that reflect the diversity of the Romani community worldwide.
- This translation supports the spiritual growth of Baltic Romani Christians while preserving their linguistic heritage.
Zanimačime (Romany)
- O romano čhib pindžarel pes pal o Indiako than, vi sikhavel peske lave kai aseval pale le hindiko thaj gujaratiko čhibura.
- O Baltyko Raomani si ek buth thaj buth čhibako dialecto, odoli dikharel o romane averthane bashavelipnasko.
- Kado traducto phangarel le raomane kristianura thaj čučenol leskro kultura thaj čhibako baripen.
We Value Your Feedback!
English: Share your experience with this edition of the Gospel of Matthew! Your insights help us serve you better.
Romany: Dikh te phenes kado Matejostar Evangelijes! Tute šaj delpes amenge paramis pal tute ikones te šunel!
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