Gyűjtsd össze könnyeimet! by Sylvain Fayard - Hungarian translation of J'ai vu tes larmes / I saw your tears! / God knows your feelings and sees your tears...
ISBN: 6155189302, 978-6155189302
Hungarian Summary:
Isten ismeri érzéseidet, és látja könnyeidet. Tudja miért sírsz, legyen sírásod oka akár gyász, fájdalom, keserűség, bűnbánat, mások iránti együttérzés vagy öröm.
English Summary:
God knows your feelings and sees your tears. You know why you're crying, let it be crying for mourning, pain, bitterness, repentance, compassion for others, or joy.
In the Bible, we see many believers who have experienced God's comfort in crying and praying in a difficult situation. These examples are written to fill our hearts with courage.
Jesus Christ also shed tears. He understand if you cry. Compassion relieves your pain. As a believer you have a wonderful hope: the Lord Jesus will come back soon and bring you to heaven! Then God will wipe away all tears from your eyes.