Grasped by God - For God / Memoirs of Rev. Sidney H. Iggulden, Vicar of St. Andrew's Church Lahore / Pakistan Bible Society 2015
ISBN: 9789692508714 / 978-9692508714
ISBN: 9692508714
PAGES: 288
PUBLISHER: Pakistan Bible Society
English Summary:
Sidney Iggulden was Vicar of St. Andrew's Church in Lahore, from 1964 to 1979 and had a profound and long lasting impact on many Pakistani and expatriate people. In Grasped by God for God he gives an autobiographical account of his early life in England, marriage to Millie, transition to Australia, experience in business, and then focuses on the way God intervened in his life and directed him to Pakistan.
"This is a book to be read. This story needs to be told. The great legacy must be passed on."
Dr. George Verwer, Founding Director, Operation Mobilization
"As you read this book you will find that seeking the will of God was central in the life of Padre Iggulden."
Rt. Rev Irfan Jamil, Ninth Bishop of Lahore