Gospodin moj i Bog moj by Ivan Zirdum / My Lord and My God / Croatian language Catholic small size prayer book / Karitativni fond UPT / 2011 / Hardcover
ISBN: 9789532082821 / 978-9532082821
ISBN-10: 9532082824
PAGES: 332
PUBLISHER: Karitativni fond UPT
Croatian Summary:
Gospodin moj i Bog moj moltivenik je koji sadrži osnovne molitve i istine, red svete mise, red ispovijedi, križni put, euharistijski blagoslov, krunicu, molitve sv. Brigite, litanije Isusa Krista, Majke Božje i svetaca te pjesme.
English Summary:
My Lord and God is my prayer book which contains the basic prayers and truths, the order of the Holy Mass, the order of confession, the way of the cross, the Eucharistic blessing, the Rosary, the prayers of St. Brigitte, litany of Jesus Christ, Mother of God and saints and song.