Gondolatok a hegyi beszédről - Útmutató Máté ev. 5-7. részéhez by Arend Remmers - Hungarian translation of Die Bergpredigt. Eine Auslegung von Matthäus 5–7. / Thoughts about The Sermon on the Mount - a guide to Matthew 5-7
ISBN: 978-9639867192, 9639867192
About the Author:
Remmers grew up in Westerstede and went to school there as well. He then studied English and French philology at the University of Heidelberg; his master's thesis dealt with the prefix un in Old English. In the following 15 years, he worked in a steel industry company, most recently as a sales manager; since 1981 he is a freelance traveling preacher and author in the circles of the free-church fraternal movement.
In his spare time Remmers deals with Low German dialectology and name research. For his study From Aaltukerei to Zwischenmooren: The settlement names between Dollart and Jade (2004), he was awarded in 2006 with the Wilhelmine Siefkes Prize of the city of Leer; the laudation was held by Hermann Niebaum, a professor at the University of Groningen.
Remmers is married and lives in Schwelm.
Hungarian Summary:
A Hegyi beszéd egyes részei az Újszövetség leggyakrabban idézett versei közé tartoznak. Tehát a Hegyi beszéd nem tartalmazza az evangéliumot, és politikai programnak sem tekinthető, de ez Krisztus uralmának egyfajta „alaptörvénye”.
Ha Isten Igéjének e részével foglalkozunk, segíthet bennünket abban, hogy keresztyén életünk hétköznapjainak gyakorlata megváltozzék.
English Summary:
Some parts of the Sermon of the Mount are among the most frequently quoted poems of the New Testament. So the Sermon of the Mount does not include the gospel, nor can it be regarded as a political program, but it is a "basic law" of Christ's rule.
If we deal with this part of the Word of God, it can help us change the practice of our everyday Christian life.