Gestapo: Hitler's Secret Police DVD 2002 Gestapo - Hitler állami rendősége / With original footage! Documentary about the dreaded secret service of Nazi Germany
UPC 5999883277058
AUDIO: English 2.0, Hungarian 2.0
Runtime: 50 minutes
English Summary:
Very few state organisations in history have instilled fear into citizens like the Gestapo Adolf Hitler's secret police. During the darkest days of the Third Reich the most dreaded sound was a knock at the door after dark. Everyone who lived under Nazi rule lived in fear of the secretive agents known colloquially as V-Men. Hitler called them his deadliest weapon and without them the Fuhrer's ambition could never have been realised. Until now their full story has not been told. Within six years of its inception the Gestapo had grown from a regional secret police force into a crucial executive arm of the Nazi Party. By the outbreak of World War II, it had evolved into a wide-reaching organisation whose success in crushing resistance to the state was unparalleled. As the war in Europe raged, the Gestapo extended their operations to include areas under German control, leading to a new era of terror which culminated in Hitler's 'Final Solution'.
Hungarian Summary:
Hermann Göring Titkos Állami endőrsége azzal a feladattal lett megbízva, hogy letartóztassa és vallomásokat, információt kényszerítsen ki a Birodalom feltételezett ellenségeiből.
Az igazságszolgáltatás minden hatalma a kezében összpontosult, feleslegessé téve ezáltal a bíróságokat.
A század egyik igazi horror-történetének impozáns beszámolója.