Genesis in Buryat: A Cultural and Spiritual Treasure
Experience the sacred text of Genesis in the Buryat language, a variety of Mongolic spoken by the Buryats. This paperback edition not only offers the text but also includes a glossary and maps, enhancing your understanding of the cultural context. With 144 pages, this translation invites readers to explore the rich heritage and spiritual depth of the Buryat people.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 144
- Publisher: Bible Society (2010)
- Language: Buryat (буряад хэлэн / buryaad xelen)
- Dimensions: 130 x 200 mm
- ISBN-10: 5855244016
- ISBN-13: 978-5855244014
Interesting Facts
- Cultural Significance: Buryat (Buriat) is an official language in the Buryat Republic of Russia, with over 353,113 speakers. This translation helps preserve and promote the Buryat language and culture.
- Geographic Distribution: Buryat is spoken not only in Russia but also in northern Mongolia and parts of China, reflecting the wide-ranging heritage of the Buryat people.
- Linguistic Diversity: The Buryat language has several writing systems, including Cyrillic, Mongolian script, Vagindra script, and Latin, showcasing its adaptability and rich history.
- Ethnic Roots: The Buryat people, along with the Barga Mongols, are the primary speakers of this language, contributing to a diverse cultural landscape across the region.
Track Listing
(For this product, a track listing is not applicable.)
- Publisher: Bible Society
- Publication Year: 2010
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#BuryatBible #GenesisInBuryat #BuryatCulture #MongolicLanguages #BibleTranslation #ChristianLiterature #LanguagePreservation #CulturalHeritage
Overview in Buryat: Генезис буряад хэлэнд: Бурятын үндэстний соёл, шашны гүн гүнзгий ойлголтыг санал болгодог. Энэ нэвтрүүлэг нь буряад хүмүүст зориулсан үнэт зүйл юм.
Interesting Facts in Buryat:
- Соёлын ач холбогдол: Буряад хэл нь Оросын Бурятын бүгд найрамдах улсад албан ёсны хэл бөгөөд 353,113 хүн ярьдаг.
- Газар зүйн тархаалт: Буряад хэл нь Орос, Улаан-Үд, Хятадын хойд хэсэгт ярьдаг.
- Хэлний олон янз: Буряад хэл нь кирил, монгол, вагиндра, латин бичигтэй.
- Үндэстний угсаа: Бурят, Барга монголынхон буряад хэлний үндсэн яридаг хүмүүс юм.
Hashtags in Buryat:
#БуряадБибли #ГенезисБурят #БуряадСоёл #МонголХэл #БиблиийнОрчуулга #ХристийнУтга #ХэлнийХадгалалт #СоёлынҮндэс