Genesis DVD 2004 Genezis / Written & Directed by Claude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou / Music: Bruno Coulai / Documentary about the magnificence of Creation
UPC 5999544151741
AUDIO: Hungarian 5.1, French 5.1, Hungarian 2.0
SUBTITLES: Hungarian
Runtime: 81 minutes
English Summary:
A storyteller relates the creation of the world. A tall tale like all yarns. But this tall tale is a true tale - it is our very own story. The birth of the universe, the formation of the Earth, the appearance of life, the emergence from the waters, the colonisation of earthly paradise...a tremendous, event-filled saga unfolds before our very eyes. This "flamboyant" Genesis, both modern and timeless, is "enacted" by the direct descendants of those who were part of it - the animals.
Blending humor with seriousness, innocence with wisdom, an African griot uses the evocative language of myth and fable to relate the birth of the universe and the stars, the fiery beginnings of our planet and the appearance of life on earth - but this is a true story, the story of all of us. He tells us of time, matter, birth, love and death. Animals are the main players in this flamboyant, modern, yet timeless GENESIS.
Hungarian Summary:
A történetmondó az időről, az anyagról, a születésről, a szeretetről és a halálról mesél nekünk. Tudatosítja bennünk, hogy ugyanaz az anyag alkot bennünket, mint a csillagokat, a felhőket, a hegyeket, az egész univerzumot, s hogy egyéni életünkben mindannyian újraéljük a Genezist. Megszületünk, pontosan úgy, ahogy egykor az Élet megszületett.
Narrated by Sotigui Kouyaté