Forradalom az irattárban | Az információs kárpótlás jogi aspektusai | Trócsányi Sára
Revolution in the Archives | Legal Aspects of Information Compensation
Product Information
Catalog Details
- Author: Trócsányi Sára
- Publisher: Holnap Kiadó
- Publication Year: 2007
- Publication Location: Budapest
- Page Count: 260 pages
- Binding Type: Ragasztott papír (Perfect Binding)
- Language: Magyar
- Dimensions: Width: 14.00 cm, Height: 22.00 cm
- ISBN: 9789633468197 / 978-9633468197
"Forradalom az irattárban / Az információs kárpótlás jogi aspektusai" offers a deep dive into the legal aspects of informational reparation, set against the backdrop of revolutionary change within archival systems. Trócsányi Sára examines the evolving role of archives in safeguarding and compensating for information, delivering a comprehensive legal analysis that is both scholarly and accessible. This work is essential reading for legal professionals, archivists, and researchers interested in the intersection of law, information, and archival studies.
English Translation - Overview
"Revolution in the Archive / Legal Aspects of Informational Reparation" provides an in-depth analysis of how archival systems respond to the challenges of informational reparation. Authored by Sára Trócsányi, this book offers a scholarly yet accessible examination of the legal framework governing the preservation and compensation of information, making it an indispensable resource for legal experts, archivists, and academics interested in this critical field.
Product Features
Format & Additional Details
- Binding: Perfect Binding (Ragasztott papír)
- Page Count: 260 pages
- Dimensions: 14.00 cm x 22.00 cm
- Content Focus:
- Detailed legal analysis of informational reparation
- Examination of archival revolution and its implications
- Critical perspectives on the role of archives in the digital age
Interesting Facts
Scholarly Insights
- Innovative Perspective: The book challenges traditional views by exploring how archival systems adapt to compensate for lost or altered information, offering fresh insights into legal theory and practice.
- Interdisciplinary Approach: Combining legal analysis with archival studies, this work bridges gaps between law, history, and information science.
- Cultural Relevance: Set in the context of Hungary's evolving information landscape, it provides a localized yet globally resonant discussion on archival reform and legal accountability.
English Translation - Interesting Facts
- Innovative Perspective: This book challenges conventional approaches by investigating how archival institutions are evolving to provide reparation for information loss or alteration, delivering new perspectives in legal theory and practice.
- Interdisciplinary Approach: By merging legal scrutiny with archival studies, the work creates a bridge between law, history, and information science.
- Cultural Relevance: Though centered on Hungary’s unique context, its analysis resonates on a global scale, addressing universal issues of archival reform and legal responsibility.
Published by Holnap Kiadó in Budapest, 2007. All rights reserved under ISBN 9789633468197 / 978-9633468197.
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#RevolutionInTheArchive #InformationalReparation #SaraTrocsonyi #HolnapKiadó #LegalAnalysis #ArchivalStudies #HungarianLaw