
Flute Duets 2 | Choral Sheet Music for Flute Duets

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Flute Duets 2 | Choral Sheet Music for Flute Duets

Product Information

  • Catalog Number: 14043
  • ISMN: 9790080140437 / 979-0080140437
  • Product Type: Choral Sheet Music for Flute Duets
  • Setting: Flutes
  • Series: Music for Beginners
  • Genre: Pedagogical Performance Pieces
  • Language: Hungarian, English, German, French
  • Length: 44 pages
  • Format: K/4 (23.5 x 31 cm)
  • Weight: 0.197 kg
  • Publication Date: August 1994
  • Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó


Flute Duets 2 is a comprehensive collection of pedagogical flute duos that spans the history of instrumental music from the early Baroque era to the Romantic period. Transcribed and edited by Csupor László, this volume provides an engaging repertoire for beginner musicians. It features arrangements of both well-known operatic and instrumental melodies—such as paraphrases from Don Giovanni and Carmen as well as an arrangement of the nocturn from A Midsummer Night’s Dream—alongside a variety of fugues, dance pieces, and character works. This diverse collection offers ample opportunities for ensemble playing and musical exploration, making it an ideal resource for both individual study and group performance.

Hungarian Translation - Áttekintés

Fuvoladuók 2 című kiadvány a zeneirodalom hangszeres korszakainak széles skáláját öleli fel, Jacopo da Bologna korai műveitől egészen Csajkovszkijig. A Kezdők muzsikája sorozat részeként, Csupor László átírásában és közreadásában, a kötet gyakorlati célú fuvoladuókat tartalmaz. A gyűjteményben népszerű opera- és hangszeres dallamok – például a Don Giovanni és Carmen parafrázisai, valamint a Szentivánéji álom Notturno-feldolgozása – mellett ismert és ismeretlen melódiák, fúgák, táncok és karakterdarabok szerepelnek, melyek örömteli és igényes együttmuzsikálási lehetőséget kínálnak.

Product Features

  • Repertoire Diversity:
    • Covers musical eras from the early works of Jacopo da Bologna to Tchaikovsky.
    • Includes both original pieces and transcribed arrangements of popular melodies.
  • Educational Focus:
    • Designed for beginners, offering a range of technically and musically engaging duets.
    • Provides a balance of fugues, dance pieces, and character works for ensemble practice.
  • Multilingual Edition:
    • The collection is presented in Hungarian, English, German, and French to support a wide range of learners.
  • Practical Use:
    • Ideal for both individual practice and group performance, enhancing ensemble skills and musical interpretation.


  1. Bologna, J. da: Ballata
  2. Dietrich, Sixtus: Duo
  3. Lasso, Orlando di: Bicinium
  4. Morley, Thomas: Duo
  5. Praetorius, Michael: Duo
  6. Unknown Composer: Musette
  7. Zipoli, Domenico: Pastorale
  8. Pachelbel, Johann: Fuga
  9. Händel, Georg Friedrich: Fuga
  10. Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista: Siciliana
  11. Pleyel, Ignaz Josef: Andantino & Rondo
  12. Pleyel, Ignaz Josef: Rondo
  13. Call, L. von: Duo in A major
  14. Call, L. von: Andantino
  15. Duvernoy, Frédéric: Minuet
  16. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Allegretto
  17. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Three Duos after the Opera Don Giovanni
  18. Beethoven, Ludwig van: Minuet
  19. Bizet, Georges: Little Fantasia after the Opera Carmen
  20. Flotow, Friedrich von: Little Fantasia after the Opera Martha
  21. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: Notturno
  22. Schumann, Robert: Three Duos: The First Loss; Humming Tune; Wild Rider
  23. Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich: March of the Wooden Soldiers; Old French Air; German Air; Italian Air


Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in August 1994. All rights reserved under catalog number 14043 and ISMN 9790080140437 / 979-0080140437.

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#FluteDuets2 #CsuporLászló #MusicForBeginners #FluteEnsemble #PedagogicalMusic #EditioMusicaBudapest #BaroqueToRomantic

Hungarian (Cimkék):

#Fuvoladuók2 #CsuporLászló #KezdőkMuzsikája #FuvolaEgyütt #PedagógiaiZene #EditioMusicaBudapest #BarokkólRomantikusig

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