Flow, Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Immunity
Szerző: Oláh Attila, Nagy Henriett
Kiadás éve: 2014
Nyelv: angol
ISBN: 9789632845043 / 978-9632845043
Kötés: keménytáblás
Oldalszám: 178
Állapot: Rendelhető
Flow experience is a mental state while the person is intensively involved in a task, a singular activity in conscious attention, disregarding all or most other, irrelevant stimuli. This state is a result of an intrinsically motivated behavior, where the person-environment dynamic interaction is in the focus.Individuals differ strongly in how adeptly they can utilize the potential of their own emotional states, and those of others. People we call emotionally intelligent are highly skilled in doing so. They recognize the impact of their emotions and moods on their own cognitive processes and interpersonal relationships and are able to counter the potentially destructive effects of emotions.The psychological immune system is an integrated system of cognitive, motivational and behavioral personality dimensions that provide immunity against stress, promote healthy development, and serve as stress resistance resources or psychological antibodies.