Figurine of Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka
Vintage Soviet-Era Salt & Pepper Shaker Holder
Product Information
- Type: Figurine / Decorative Table Accessory
- Theme: Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka from Soviet-era animation
- Material: Painted resin or similar durable material
- Design Function: Doubles as a functional salt and pepper shaker holder
- Features:Base: Both characters are mounted on a stable rectangular base providing support
- Crocodile Gena:
- Dressed in his iconic suit and bowler hat
- Carries a pole across his shoulders with two small glass containers (salt and pepper shakers) hanging from it
- The shakers have metallic caps with holes for dispensing
- Cheburashka:
- Stands next to Gena, depicted as a small, big-eared creature with a friendly, greeting gesture
- Crocodile Gena:
- Condition: Vintage with signs of age including chipped paint and some wear, which adds to its nostalgic appeal
This charming figurine captures Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka—the beloved characters from Soviet animation—in a delightfully functional form. The piece serves as both a decorative accent and a practical salt and pepper shaker holder. Crocodile Gena, dressed in his recognizable suit and bowler hat, balances a pole from which two small glass containers hang, each fitted with metallic caps. Beside him, Cheburashka appears friendly and animated, his raised arm suggesting a welcoming gesture. Set on a sturdy rectangular base, the figurine is in vintage condition with subtle signs of wear that only enhance its collectible charm. This unique item is a testament to the cultural impact of these iconic characters and makes a playful yet practical addition to any table setting.
Эта очаровательная фигурка запечатлевает Крокодила Гену и Чебурашку — любимых персонажей советской анимации — в оригинальном и функциональном исполнении. Изделие служит одновременно декоративным элементом и практичным держателем для соли и перца. Крокодил Гена, одетый в свой узнаваемый костюм и котелок, несет на плечах шест, с которого свисают два небольших стеклянных контейнера с металлическими крышками, приспособленными для раздачи соли и перца. Рядом стоит Чебурашка, изображенный дружелюбно с поднятой рукой, как бы приветствуя. Фигурка установлена на прочном прямоугольном основании и имеет винтажное состояние с легкими следами износа, придающими ей особый ностальгический шарм. Этот уникальный предмет свидетельствует о культурном влиянии этих культовых персонажей и станет забавным, но функциональным дополнением к любому интерьеру.
Visual Analysis
Crocodile Gena
- Appearance:
- Portrayed in his signature style, complete with a suit, bowler hat, and a friendly smile.
- Balances a pole featuring two small glass salt and pepper shakers with metallic caps.
- Aging:
- The dark-painted figure shows signs of chipped paint and wear, lending it an authentic vintage appearance.
- Appearance:
- Smaller in size and easily recognizable by his large ears and gentle, inviting expression.
- Pose:
- Depicted standing next to Gena with one arm raised in a greeting manner, adding personality to the composition.
Base and Function
- Base:
- A rectangular platform supports the entire figurine, ensuring stability as a functional table accessory.
- Dual Utility:
- Integrates decorative appeal with practical usage as a holder for salt and pepper shakers.
Historical and Cultural Context
Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka are iconic figures from Soviet children's literature and animation, created by Eduard Uspensky. They first captivated audiences in films like "Gena the Crocodile" (1969) and have since become emblems of friendship and warmth. This figurine, blending utility with cultural nostalgia, reflects the common practice in the Soviet Union of incorporating beloved characters into everyday household items. Its functional design as a salt and pepper shaker holder further demonstrates the playful yet practical approach to decor that was popular during that era.
Крокодил Гена и Чебурашка — культовые персонажи советской детской литературы и анимации, созданные Эдуардом Успенским. Они впервые завоевали сердца зрителей благодаря фильмам, таким как «Крокодил Гена» (1969), и с тех пор стали символами дружбы и теплоты. Данная фигурка, объединяющая утилитарность с культурной ностальгией, отражает распространенную в Советском Союзе практику использования любимых персонажей в повседневных предметах быта. Ее функциональный дизайн, где фигурка служит держателем для соли и перца, демонстрирует игривый и практичный подход к декору, характерный для того времени.
Condition and Craftsmanship
- Condition:
The figurine exhibits genuine vintage charm, with visible wear such as chipped paint on Gena’s hat and other areas. These imperfections contribute to its collectible appeal. - Craftsmanship:
Attention to detail in the depiction of both characters is notable. The realistic portrayal of Crocodile Gena’s attire and the fine detailing of Cheburashka’s features showcase the dedication to representing these cultural icons faithfully while maintaining functionality as a desk accessory.
This vintage figurine of Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka is a delightful and functional collectible that honors two of the Soviet Union’s most cherished animated characters. Perfect as both a conversation piece and a practical salt and pepper shaker holder, it reflects the playful spirit and cultural significance that define these iconic figures. Whether displayed on a table or as a part of a larger collection, this piece is a nostalgic treasure for fans of Soviet animation and vintage decor.
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#GenaAndCheburashka #SovietAnimation #VintageCollectible #DecorativeShakerHolder #SovietMemorabilia #NostalgicDecor #AnimatedIcons #SovietEraArt #TableAccessory #CulturalHeritage
Русский (Хештеги):
#ГенаИЧебурашка #СоветскаяАнимация #ВинтажныйСувенир #ДержательДляСолиИПерца #СоветскиеСувениры #НостальгическийДекор #АнимационныеИконы #СоветскоеИскусство #НастольныйАксессуар #КультурноеНаследие