
Fangcalay Cudad: The 'Amis Bible – Today's Taiwan "Amis Version 阿美語聖經 / First Printing 1997

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Fangcalay Cudad: The 'Amis Bible – Today's Taiwan Amis Version


First Printing: 1997
Publisher: Bible Society
Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 5 x 2.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds
Binding: Hardcover
Special Feature: Comes in a protective slip box


The Fangcalay Cudad: The 'Amis Bible is the first complete translation of the Bible into the Amis language, an important step in the preservation and promotion of Taiwanese Aboriginal languages. This edition was completed in 1997, reflecting decades of effort to translate and make the scriptures accessible to the Amis-speaking community.

Product Features

  • Binding: Hardcover, presented in a protective slip box
  • Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 5 x 2.3 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds
  • Publisher: Bible Society
  • Language: Amis (Taiwanese Aboriginal Language)


The Fangcalay Cudad represents a significant milestone for the Amis people, being the first complete Bible translated into their language. The translation process began with the publication of the Book of James in 1957 using phonetic symbols, transitioned to Romanized spelling in 1963, and culminated in the full Bible translation in 1997, aided by missionaries and local pastors. This edition is not only a religious text but a cultural artifact that supports the preservation of the Amis language and heritage.

Interesting Facts

  • Language: Amis is an Austronesian language spoken by the Amis people, an indigenous group in Taiwan. The translation of the Bible into Amis represents a significant effort to preserve and promote the language.
  • Historical Context: The translation work on the Bible in Amis has been ongoing since 1957, with various stages of translation and publishing leading up to the full Bible release in 1997.
  • Cultural Impact: This edition of the Bible is the first complete translation into the Amis language, highlighting the importance of religious texts in maintaining and revitalizing indigenous languages.

Example Text

John 3:15
"Tada maolah ko Kawas to tamdamdaw. Saka, padteng sa Cingra a pafli to dngan a Wawa Ningra to sakacaaw ka tkop no cimacima a paso'linay a miti'er i Cingraan. O sakaci'orip nangra to mida'ocay."


#AmisBible #FangcalayCudad #TaiwaneseAboriginal #BibleSociety #AmisLanguage #TaiwanAboriginalLanguages #CulturalPreservation




阿美語聖經 (Fangcalay Cudad)


阿美語聖經翻譯史之源當可追溯自孫雅各牧師(Dr. James Dickson)和駱先春牧師開始(Rev. Loh Sian- Chhun),以至於才有一九五三年七月廿九日由聖經公會在台北舉行的原住民聖經翻譯事宜的會議,當時出席的柯饒富牧師(Rev. Ralph Covel)、懷約翰牧師(Rev. John Whitehorn)、葉德華牧師(Rev. Edvard Torjesen)、胡文池牧師 (Rev. O. Bun-Ti)、駱先春牧師、賴炳烔牧師。值得一提的是,在台東地區阿美族部落從事宣教已有七年的駱先春牧師已嘗試阿美語聖經翻譯,後來先著手阿美語聖詩的編譯工作,而阿美語聖經翻譯的工作由基督教協同會的宣教士葉德華牧師負責。


一九六五年葉德華牧師因職務繁忙辭去翻譯工作,改由宣教士方敏英(Miss Virginia A. Fey)接任。在此之前,參與聖經翻譯的人員是葉德華牧師、宋正清牧師(`Afo `Apak)、張天成牧師(Samuhwan)、張正義牧師(`Ofad),因著他們的努力,終於在一九六三年出版了以羅馬字拼音和中文對照的「使徒行傳、加拉太書」合訂本;一九六五年出版了四福音書的「約翰福音」單行本。

宣教士方敏英在接任翻譯聖經的棒子之前,曾向阿美族的二位姑娘(`Oseng陳信蘭、Apong周月娥)學習阿美語一年,並且常常深入阿美族的部落體驗當地的生活。一九六六,年她曾赴泰國接受短期的聖經翻譯訓練,對日後的翻譯工作裨益極大。方教士接任之後,參與翻譯的人員、`Afo、Samuhwan、`Ofad因故先後懇辭,其缺則由顏武德牧師(Sontok)、林茂德(Tamih)、曾枝量牧師(Mayaw Ripon)遞補。


一九九一年,台灣聖經公會為了協助並完成阿美族舊約部分尚未翻譯的經卷,再一次邀請顏武德牧師和林茂德牧師全心投入翻譯工作,由林生安牧師、張以諾牧師、吳成功牧師、呂張才牧師、張天成牧師、曾文亮牧師、陳約翰牧師、顏約翰牧師、林春治牧師、呂金福牧師,洪玉妹牧師為審閱委員。並且獲得加拿大宣教士麥煜道牧師(Rev. Paul McLean)在電腦方面的鼎力協助,使翻譯和修訂的工作較諸以往進步有加,一九九七年阿美語版的新舊約聖經問世。


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