F. Liszt - Etudes D'Exécution Transcendente, Hungarian rhapsody No. 3, Rhapsodie espagnole / Lasar Berman - piano / Мелодия 2x LP Stereo
33 C 10-04931-4
Rhapsodie espagnole (Spanish Rhapsody), S.254, R.90, is a composition for solo piano composed by Franz Liszt in 1858. The piece is very suggestive of traditional Spanish music, and was inspired by Liszt's tour in Spain and Portugal in 1845. When played, this piece takes roughly 11–14 minutes and contains many extreme technical challenges, including rapid chords and octaves. Ferruccio Busoni arranged the piece for piano and orchestra in 1894.
Label: Мелодия – C 19-04931-34
I. Transzcendens Etűdök = Etudes D'Exécution Transcendente |
A1 |
1. Preludio = Előjáték - Presto |
A2 |
2. Etude En La Mineur = A-Moll Etűd - Molto Vivace |
A3 |
3. Paysage = Tájkép - Poco Adagio |
A5 |
5. Feux Follets = Lidércfény - Allegretto |
B1 |
6. Vision = Látomás - Lento |
B3 |
8. Wilde Jagd = Vad Hajsza - Presto Furioso |
B4 |
9. Ricordanza = Emlékezés - Andantino |
C1 |
10. Etude En Fa Mineur = F-Moll Etűd - Allegro Agitato |
C2 |
11. Harmonies Du Soir = Esti Harmóniák - Andantino |
C3 |
12. Chasse-Neige = Hópelyhek - Andante Con Moto |
D1 |
II. III. Magyar Rapszódia = Rapsodie Hongroise N° 3 |
D2 |
III. Spanyol Rapszódia = Rapsodie Espagnole |
- Composed By – Liszt Ferenc
- Graphics – Bánó Endre
- Painting [Villódzó fények] – Turner
- Photography – Harmath István
- Piano – Lazar Berman