
Evanđelje po Ivanu - Croatian language Gospel of John / Gute Botschaft Verlag 2017 / GBV

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Evanđelje po Ivanu - Croatian language Gospel of John / Gute Botschaft Verlag 2017 / GBV 

Key Features:

  • Title: Evanđelje po Ivanu - Croatian Language Gospel of John / Gute Botschaft Verlag 2017 / GBV
  • Format: Paperback 2017
  • ISBN-13: 9783866981508
  • ISBN-10: 3866981503
  • Pages: 64
  • Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
  • Language: Croatian / Hrvatski


Inside the pages of "Evanđelje po Ivanu," you will discover the Gospel of John presented in the Croatian language—a precious part of the Bible and the Word of God. This Gospel introduces Jesus Christ as the Son of God and offers a message of profound love and eternal hope.


1. Life-Changing Message: Immerse yourself in the heart of the Gospel with verses like, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). These words encapsulate the essence of Christianity and God's boundless love for humanity.

2. Outreach Tool: This booklet serves as a valuable resource for sharing the Gospel with Croatian-speaking individuals, whether they are friends, family, or seekers of spiritual guidance. Its compact size, clear language, and compelling presentation make it ideal for evangelism and distribution.

3. High-Quality Production: Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag, a trusted name in Christian literature, you can trust the accuracy and excellence of this publication.

"Evanđelje po Ivanu" is more than just a booklet; it is a powerful means of sharing the life-changing message of Jesus Christ with the Croatian-speaking world. Whether you are actively engaged in evangelism, seeking to deepen your faith, or looking for a meaningful gift, this booklet is your partner in spreading the Word of God.

Unutar stranica "Evanđelje po Ivanu" otkrit ćete Evanđelje po Ivanu prezentirano na hrvatskom jeziku - dragocjeni dio Biblije i Riječ Božja. Ovo Evanđelje predstavlja Isusa Krista kao Sina Božjeg i nudi poruku duboke ljubavi i vječne nade.


  1. Poruka koja mijenja život: Uronite duboko u srce Evanđelja s odlomcima poput "Jer Bog je tako ljubio svijet da je dao svoga jedinorođenog Sina, da tko vjeruje u njega, ne propadne, nego ima život vječni" (Ivan 3:16). Ove riječi sažimaju bit kršćanstva i neograničenu ljubav Boga prema čovječanstvu.

  2. Alat za evanđelizaciju: Ovaj booklet služi kao vrijedan resurs za dijeljenje Evanđelja s osobama koje govore hrvatski jezik, bilo da su prijatelji, obitelj ili traže duhovno vođenje. Njegova kompaktna veličina, jasan jezik i privlačna prezentacija čine ga idealnim za evanđelizaciju i distribuciju.

  3. Proizvod visoke kvalitete: Objavio je Gute Botschaft Verlag, pouzdano ime u kršćanskoj literaturi, pa možete vjerovati u točnost i izvrsnost ove publikacije.

"Evanđelje po Ivanu" više je od običnog letka; to je moćno sredstvo za dijeljenje poruke koja mijenja život Isusa Krista sa svijetom koji govori hrvatski jezik. Bilo da se aktivno bavite evanđelizacijom, tražite produbljivanje svoje vjere ili tražite značajan dar, ovaj booklet je vaš partner u širenju Riječi Božje.


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