Библейская Энциклопедия – Encyclopedia of the Bible in Russian
- ISBN: 9785855240221 / 978-5855240221
- ISBN-10: 5855240223
- Pages: 350
- Publisher: Russian Bible Society
- Language: Russian / Русский
- Year: 1996
Overview / Обзор
The "Библейская Энциклопедия" (Encyclopedia of the Bible) is a comprehensive and accessible guide to understanding the Bible, its people, places, history, and teachings. This rich resource, published by the Russian Bible Society, combines historical research with a focus on biblical geography, archaeology, and theology. With over 400 full-color photographs, illustrations, and maps, this encyclopedia brings the events of the Bible to life in a visually engaging format, making it ideal for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the sacred texts.
The encyclopedia covers a broad range of topics, from the geography of the Holy Land to the practices of religion and worship in the Bible. It also includes an A-Z guide to key biblical terms and teachings, providing insight into the daily life and social structures during biblical times. Whether you are a scholar, student, or casual reader, this encyclopedia serves as a useful reference for anyone interested in exploring the world of the Bible.
"Библейская Энциклопедия" – это исчерпывающее и доступное руководство по пониманию Библии, её людей, мест, истории и учений. Этот обширный справочник, изданный Российским Библейским Обществом, сочетает историческое исследование с акцентом на библейскую географию, археологию и теологию. С более чем 400 цветными фотографиями, иллюстрациями и картами, эта энциклопедия оживляет события Библии, предоставляя визуально привлекательный формат, идеально подходящий для тех, кто стремится глубже понять священные тексты.
Product Features / Характеристики продукта
- Format: Hardcover / Твердый переплет
- Pages: 350 / Страниц: 350
- Dimensions: Standard hardcover size / Стандартный размер твердого переплета
- Language: Russian (Русский) / Язык: Русский
- Publisher: Russian Bible Society / Издатель: Российское Библейское Общество
- Published Year: 1996 / Год издания: 1996
- ISBN-13: 9785855240221 / ISBN-13: 9785855240221
- ISBN-10: 5855240223 / ISBN-10: 5855240223
Interesting Facts / Интересные факты
- Comprehensive Coverage: The encyclopedia includes a wide variety of sections, such as biblical geography, archaeology, and the cultural context of biblical times. It also provides in-depth information on biblical theology, religion, worship, and daily life during the biblical period.
- Visual Richness: The book is filled with approximately 400 color photographs, illustrations, diagrams, and maps that help bring the stories and lessons of the Bible to life. These images enrich the understanding of sacred events and geographical locations.
- A-Z Guide: The encyclopedia contains a detailed A-Z guide of key biblical terms, teachings, and people, making it a practical reference tool for understanding the context of the Bible and its teachings.
- Russian Edition: Published in 1996, this Russian edition of the Bible Encyclopedia is designed for Russian-speaking readers and provides an in-depth yet accessible resource for anyone seeking to explore the Bible more fully.
Track Listing (For CD Edition, if applicable) / Содержание (для CD-издания, если имеется)
Publishers / Издатели
- Publisher: Russian Bible Society / Издатель: Российское Библейское Общество
- Publication Year: 1996 / Год издания: 1996
- Location: Russia / Местоположение: Россия
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#БиблейскаяЭнциклопедия #RussianBible #BibleEncyclopedia #RussianBibleSociety #BibleGuide #BibleAtlas #BiblicalGeography #BibleArchaeology #ChristianTheology #ReligionAndWorship #HolyLand #BibleHistory #RussianChristianBooks #BibleReference #BibleStudy