Elméteket felkészítve, legyetek józanok... by Tozer, A.W. - Hungarian translation of I Call It Heresy! / An Unabridged Edition Of 'Twelve Timely Themes From First Peter
ISBN: 9639867444
About the Author:
A. W. TOZER (1897-1963) began his lifelong pursuit of God after hearing a street preacher in Akron, Ohio, at the age of seventeen. The self-taught theologian committed his life to the ministry of God's Word as a pastor, teacher, and writer. For his flowing prose, Spirit-filled words, and deep conviction, many have called him a modern-day prophet. He is the author of the beloved classic The Pursuit of God and dozens of other works.
Hungarian Summary:
Vigyázat tévtanítás! | A Biblia nem halott! | Megtarthatjátok a díszruhákat! | Ne szégyelld Isten kegyelmét! | A szentség nem választás kérdése | Isten az örökösének nevezett! | Isten örökségének tulajdonságai | Megmutatkozott ma az alázatosságod? | Férj és feleség: szövetségben | Bízd Istenre az érzelmeidet! | A keresztyénnek joga van a széles mosolyhoz! | Hol lesznek a "szakértők", amikor Jézus eljön?
English Summary:
An Unabridged Edition Of 'Twelve Timely Themes From First Peter,' To Include: I Call It Heresy! (Obedience Taught Throughout Bible - In The Name Of "Individualism" - God Is the Sovereign - No Such Concept of Salvation - A World of Disobedience - A Serious Decision - Remember What the Bible Says) - The Bible Is Not Dead! - You Can Have The Trappings! - Never Apologize For God's Mercy! - Holiness Is Not An Option! - God Names Me His Beneficiary! - Qualities of a Divine Inheritance! - Was Your Humility Showing Today? - Husband and Wife: A Partnership! - Trust God with Your Emotions! - The Christian Has A Right To Grin! - Where Will The "Experts" Be When Jesus Comes?