Egy magyar haszid rabbi üzenete (önéletrajz) by Lipot Kohn - A message of a Hungarian Hasidic rabbi / an autobiography of Lipt Kohn
ISBN: 9786155624131, 978-6155624131
Hungarian Summary:
Kohn Lipót (1862–1937) Kárpátalján, zsidó családban született. Szülei korai halála és magára maradása erősítették abban, hogy még jobban bízzon a Mindenhatóban.
English Summary:
Lipn Kohn (1862–1937) was born in Transcarpathia, in a Jewish family. The early death of his parents and his survival strengthened his confidence in the Almighty.
He studied to be a Rabbi, and he began to work in the midst of Hasidic Jews in Transcarpathia. He served as a rabbi in the villages near Máramarossziget. It was under the spiritual leadership of the Salman Leib Teitelbaum rabbi whose predecessors and descendants have been leading the Hasidic community in Maramures (now New York-centered) for about a century and a half.
However, before the age of thirty years, the young Kohn rabbi is beginning to have serious internal doubts. He is constantly studying the Talmud and the Tanach, searching the Prophets for the time of the Messiah and the end of time. The pure spirit of the Word of God grabs his mind and heart and he makes his move to thread on his own path.
Rabbi Kohn's autobiography describes firsthand an adventurous and thrilling spiritual journey, endurance, and ordeal. In connection with his wife, he writes: "She speaks even after her death." We trust that the rabbi's long-ago written words will inspire the readers of today also.