EASY CLASSICAL SONATAS | Pedagogical Sheet Music for Violin and Piano
Product Information
- Catalog Number: 13329
- ISMN: 9790080133293 / 979-0080133293
- Product Type: Pedagogical Sheet Music for Violin and Piano
- Setting: Violin and Piano
- Genre: Pedagogical Performance Pieces
- Length: 44 pages
- Format: Bach (23 x 30.2 cm)
- Publication Date: 1987
- Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
EASY CLASSICAL SONATAS is an expertly edited collection designed for violin and piano, aimed at developing both technical proficiency and musical expression in young performers. Edited by Csurka Magda and Lenkei Gabriella, this volume features a selection of accessible sonatas by prominent composers such as J. B. Wanhal, Tobias Haslinger, and Franz Joseph Haydn. The pieces, which range from sonatinas to full sonatas, provide an excellent introduction to classical repertoire for intermediate-level musicians.
Hungarian Translation - Áttekintés
A KÖNNYŰ KLASSZIKUS SZONÁTÁK című kottaösszeállítást Csurka Magda és Lenkei Gabriella szerkesztette, hogy a hegedű és zongora előadására alkalmas, pedagógiai célú darabokat nyújtson a fiatal előadók számára. A kötete Wanhal, Tobias Haslinger és Haydn műveit tartalmazza, melyek a szonaták és szonatinák formáit ölelik fel, ideális bevezetést kínálva a klasszikus repertoárba a középhaladó zenészek számára.
Product Features
- Educational Focus:
- Curated for developing technical skills and musicality in violin and piano duos.
- A balanced selection of classical sonatas and sonatinas that are both engaging and pedagogically sound.
- Repertoire Diversity:
- Features works by J. B. Wanhal (Three Sonatas, Nos. 1–3), Tobias Haslinger (Sonatinas, op. 12 and op. 40), and Haydn (Sonata Hob. XVI/43bis).
- Provides an insightful overview of classical styles, from early Classical to mid-18th-century elegance.
- Design and Usability:
- Printed in the reliable Bach format (23 x 30.2 cm) ensuring clear notation and ease of reading.
- Ideal for individual practice, ensemble rehearsals, and classroom settings.
- Wanhal, J. B.: Three Sonatas, No. 1
- Wanhal, J. B.: Three Sonatas, No. 2
- Wanhal, J. B.: Three Sonatas, No. 3
- Haslinger, Tobias: Sonatina, op. 12
- Haslinger, Tobias: Sonatina, op. 40
- Haydn, Franz Joseph: Sonata (Hob. XVI/43bis)
Hungarian Translation - Tartalomjegyzék
- Wanhal, J. B.: Három szonáta, No. 1
- Wanhal, J. B.: Három szonáta, No. 2
- Wanhal, J. B.: Három szonáta, No. 3
- Haslinger, Tobias: Szonatina, op. 12
- Haslinger, Tobias: Szonatina, op. 40
- Haydn, Franz Joseph: Szonáta (Hob. XVI/43bis)
Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in 1987. All rights reserved under catalog number 13329 and ISMN 9790080133293 / 979-0080133293.
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#EasyClassicalSonatas #ViolinAndPiano #PedagogicalMusic #CsurkaMagda #LenkeiGabriella #EditioMusicaBudapest #ClassicalRepertoire
Hungarian (Cimkék):
#KönnyűKlasszikusSzonáták #HegedűÉsZongora #PedagógiaiZene #CsurkaMagda #LenkeiGabriella #EditioMusicaBudapest #KlasszikusRepertoár