Ma Barker's Killer Brood | DVD
Product Information
- UPC: 4051238019391
- Product Type: DVD
- Region: 2 PAL
- Audio: English 2.0, German 2.0
- Subtitles: None
- Total Runtime: 90 minutes
- Release Year: 1960
Ma Barker's Killer Brood is a 1960 neo-noir crime film directed by Bill Karn. The film features Lurene Tuttle in the titular role as Ma Barker, alongside a cast that includes Tristram Coffin, Paul Dubov, Nelson Leigh, and Myrna Dell.
This low-budget film presents a highly fictionalized portrayal of Ma Barker and her four sons, who formed the infamous Barker-Karpis gang that terrorized the South and Midwest of the United States during the 1930s. The gang was known for a series of kidnappings, robberies, and murders, and the film also depicts their interactions with notorious criminals of the era, such as John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson.
The film opens with Ma Barker instilling a life of crime in her four sons, starting with small thefts from the church collection plate. Despite her husband's protests, Ma's influence grows, leading her sons into a life of serious crime. After a series of criminal escapades, the family is run out of town by the local sheriff.
As years go by, Ma Barker and her sons evolve into hardened criminals, feared for their ruthlessness. At a gathering of notorious criminals, tensions rise when Machine Gun Kelly, along with his girlfriend Lou, challenges Ma's authority. After a failed kidnapping attempt by Kelly, Ma further asserts her dominance in the criminal underworld.
With the introduction of psychopathic killer Alvin Karpis into the gang, Ma Barker uses him to eliminate any perceived threats. Tragedy strikes when her husband Arthur Dunlop is murdered after revealing details about their illicit activities, leading to a spiral of violence that continues to escalate.
German Summary (Zusammenfassung)
Ma Barker's Killer Brood ist ein US-amerikanischer Gangsterfilm von Bill Karn, der 1960 von der Produktionsfirma Universal veröffentlicht wurde. Der Film zeigt die Geschichte von Ma Barker und ihren vier Söhnen, die in den 1930er Jahren mit Kidnapping, Raubüberfällen und Morden die USA terrorisieren.
Ma Barker und ihre Söhne verbreiten Angst und Schrecken, während sie mit anderen berüchtigten Kriminellen wie Machine Gun Kelly, John Dillinger und Baby Face Nelson zusammenarbeiten. Ihre Taten führen zu blutigen Schlagzeilen und machen sie zu gefürchteten Figuren der Unterwelt.
Schließlich gelingt es dem FBI, die Familie in ihrem Versteck in Florida aufzuspüren, wo Ma Barker und ihre Söhne im Januar 1935 erschossen werden.
Cast / Besetzung
- Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Lurene Tuttle
- Arthur Dunlop: Tristram Coffin
- Alvin Karpis: Paul Dubov
- George Barker: Nelson Leigh
- Lou (Kelly's Girl): Myrna Dell
- Machine Gun Kelly: Victor Lundin
- Herman (as a Boy): Don Grady
- Doc (as a Boy): Gary Ammann
- Lloyd (as a Boy): Donald Towers
- Fred (as a Boy): Michael Smith
- Herman Barker: Don Spruance
- Doc Barker: Ron Foster (also known as Austin Bennett)
- Lloyd Barker: Roye Baker
- Fred Barker: Eric Morris
- Dr. Guelffe: Byron Foulger
- John Dillinger: Eric Sinclair
- Baby Face Nelson: Robert Kendall
- Mrs. Khortney: Irene Windust
- Mr. Khortney: John McNamara
- Baxter: Dan Riss
- Avery: David Carlile
- Sheriff No. 1: Charles Tannen
- Sheriff No. 2: Daniel White
- Deputy: Riley Hill
- Director: Bill Karn
- Produced by: William Faris, Bill Karn
- Written by: F. Paul Hall
- Music by: Gene Kauer
- Cinematography: Clark Ramsey
- Distributed by: Filmservice Distributors Corporation
- Release Date: June 1960
- Running Time: 90 minutes
- Country: United States
- Language: English
Interesting Facts
- Neo-Noir Style: The film exemplifies the neo-noir genre, characterized by its dark themes and morally ambiguous characters.
- Historical Context: The Barker-Karpis gang was a real criminal organization that operated during the Great Depression, making the film a reflection of societal issues of the time.
- Low-Budget Production: Despite its low budget, the film captures the essence of crime dramas from the period with intense performances and dramatic storytelling.
Deutsch – Interessante Fakten
- Neo-Noir-Stil: Der Film ist ein herausragendes Beispiel für das Neo-Noir-Genre, das sich durch düstere Themen und moralisch ambivalente Charaktere auszeichnet.
- Historischer Kontext: Die Barker-Karpis-Bande war eine echte kriminelle Organisation, die während der Großen Depression operierte, wodurch der Film ein Spiegelbild der damaligen gesellschaftlichen Probleme ist.
- Low-Budget-Produktion: Trotz seines geringen Budgets fängt der Film die Atmosphäre klassischer Kriminaldramen ein, mit intensiven Darstellungen und packender Erzählweise.
Published by Ma Barker's Killer Brood in 1960. All rights reserved under UPC 4051238019391.
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#MaBarkersKillerBrood #CrimeFilm #NeoNoir #LureneTuttle #TristramCoffin #1960Film #BarkerKarpisGang
German (Schlagwörter):
#MaBarkersKillerBrood #Gangsterfilm #NeoNoir #LureneTuttle #TristramCoffin #1960Film #BarkerKarpisBande