Dr. Kiss Katalin: A Practical Approach to Viennese Classical Music | Book (Score)
(Dr. Kiss Katalin: A Practical Approach to Viennese Classical Music)
Product Information
- Item Number: 60438
- ISMN: 9789633307823 / 978-9633307823
- Product Type: Book
- Setting: Music Theory
- Series: The Kodály Concept Library
- Language: English
- Length: 264 pages
- Format: A/4
- Weight: 0.724 kg
- Published: January 2023
- Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
This textbook is a continuation of Dr. Kiss Katalin’s 2015 work A Practical Approach to Harmony: From the Birth of Polyphony to the Baroque Era. Focused on the Viennese Classical period (approximately 1730–1830), the book is designed to support conservatory students (aged 14–22) and their teachers with a carefully curated collection of material. It integrates theoretical knowledge with practical musicianship skills—such as score reading, performing, composing, transposing, and arranging—by studying masterpieces of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.
Hungarian Translation – Áttekintés
Ez a tankönyv Dr. Kiss Katalin 2015-ben megjelent A Practical Approach to Harmony: From the Birth of Polyphony to the Baroque Era című művének folytatása. A mű a bécsi klasszikus korszakra (kb. 1730–1830) fókuszál, és a 14–22 év közötti zeneakadémiás diákok, valamint oktatóik számára kínál gondosan válogatott anyagokat. A könyv ötvözi az elméleti tudást a gyakorlati zenetudományi készségekkel – beleértve a kottázást, előadást, komponálást, transzpozíciót és átiratírást – Haydn, Mozart és Beethoven mesterműveinek tanulmányozása által.
Product Features
- Comprehensive Learning Units:
- The book consists of ten units, organized into three levels of difficulty: Basic (Units 1–5), Intermediate (Units 6–8), and Advanced (Units 9–10).
- Each unit follows a structured format with sections for Listening and Analysis, Theory and Practice, Keyboard Harmony, Ear Training, and an Appendix with solutions.
- Practical Musicianship:
- Emphasizes the application of musical concepts to real-world skills such as performing, composing, and analyzing.
- Focused on Viennese Classical Music:
- Provides in-depth exploration of the stylistic traits and compositional techniques of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.
- Targeted Educational Resource:
- Developed specifically for conservatory students and their instructors to bridge theoretical study and practical performance.
Detailed Structure
- Listening and Analysis:
- Analyze selected compositions focusing on melody, rhythm, harmony, tonality, instrumentation, and form.
- Theory and Practice:
- Learn theoretical concepts and apply them to singing, playing, transposing, piano reduction writing, improvising, composing, and analyzing.
- Keyboard Harmony:
- Engage in creative activities like writing and realizing figured basses, harmonizing melodies, and composing chord progressions.
- Ear Training:
- Develop aural skills through harmonic singing exercises and notating chords and complex musical excerpts.
- Appendix:
- Contains solutions to the tasks within each unit.
About the Author
Dr. Katalin Kiss is an Associate Professor of Musicianship and Conducting at the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in Kecskemét, Hungary. With extensive international experience as a guest lecturer, conductor, and workshop leader, she has also served as a full-time guest professor at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music. Founder of the Ars Nova Vocal Ensemble, she has led over 500 concerts worldwide and garnered numerous prestigious awards at international choir competitions. Dr. Kiss is a recognized figure in choral conducting and serves on the Council of World Choir Games as Hungary’s representative.
Hungarian Translation – A szerzőről
Dr. Kiss Katalin a Kecskeméti Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem Kodály Intézetének zenetudományi és karmester szakmai adjunktusa. Nemzetközileg is elismert oktatóként, karmesterként és workshopvezetőként szerzett tapasztalatokat, többek között a Beijing Central Conservatory of Music teljes munkaidős vendégprofesszora volt. Az Ars Nova Vocal Ensemble alapítójaként több mint 500 koncertet adott világszerte, és számos nemzetközi kórusversenyen nyert első- és különleges díjakat. Dr. Kiss elismert szakember a kórusvezetés terén, Magyarország képviselőjeként szolgál a World Choir Games Tanácsában.
Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in January 2023 under item number 60438. All rights reserved under ISMN 9789633307823 / 978-9633307823.
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