Dorie – A lány, akit senki sem szeretett by DORIS VAN STONE, ERWIN W. LUTZER - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF Dorie: The Girl Nobody Loved / This story stands as a reminder that God's love, forgiveness, and grace are greater than human hurt and sorrow
ISBN: 9789632882314 / 978-9632882314
ISBN-10: 9632882318
About the Author:
Erwin W. Lutzer (born October 3, 1941) is an evangelical Christian pastor, teacher and author. He was the senior pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois, from 1980 to 2016.
Dorie Van Stone is a retired author and speaker. An advocate for orphans, Dorie presently serves as a board member for Forever Changed International, an Orphan Care Ministry in Guatemala. Their children's home located in Guatemala City is named after Dorie and is called Dorie's Promise.
Hungarian Summary:
„Valaki egyszer azt mondta, ha semmid nincs már, csak Isten, rájössz, hogy ő elég. Isten mellém állt, amikor senki másnak nem kellettem.” Dorie megrázó igaz története rávilágít arra, mit képes véghezvinni Isten szeretete egy ember életében; az ő megbocsátása és kegyelme minden sérelmet és szomorúságot fölülírhat. Doris Van Stone végigvezeti az olvasót gyermekkora testi-lelki megpróbáltatásaitól a lenyűgöző misszionárius időkig, amikor férjével Új-Guineában a dani bennszülöttek között éltek.
English Summary:
"Someone has said that when you have nothing left but God, you realize that God is enough." God had stood beside me when no one else wanted me. He was not going to abandon me now. God would have to heal the emotional pain that throbbed through my body."
As a child, Dorie was rejected by her mother, sent to live in an orphanage where she was regularly beaten by the orphanage director, was beaten time and again by cruel foster parents, and was daily told that she was ugly and unlovable. Dorie never knew love until a group of college students visited the orphanage and told her that God loved her. As she accepted that love, her life began to change.
Dorie is a thrilling true account of what God's love can do in a life. Doris Van Stone takes readers through the hard years of her childhood into her fascinating years as a missionary with her husband to the Dani tribe in New Guinea. With the rise of illegitimate births, the increase in divorce statistics, and the frightening escalation of child abuse, this story stands as a reminder that God's love, forgiveness, and grace are greater than human hurt and sorrow.