László Dobszay: Guide to Teaching the World of Sounds I-VI, Revised Edition
Dobszay László: Útmutató A hangok világa tanításához I-VI, Javított kiadás
Product Information
- ISBN: 9789633307786 (also formatted as 978-9633307786)
- Product Type: Book (Teacher’s Guide)
- Genre: Music Pedagogy, Solfege Education
- Language: Hungarian
- Format: Paperback
- Page Count: 440 pages
- Dimensions: 17 cm x 24 cm
- Publication Year: 2019
- Publication Place: Budapest, Hungary
- Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
- Made in: Hungary
A Útmutató A hangok világa tanításához című hatkötetes szolfézstankönyv-sorozat eredetileg 1966 és 1972 között jelent meg, és minden kötethez készült egy tanári útmutató, melyek nem csupán a tankönyvi példák magyarázatát és a feladatok megoldását tartalmazzák, hanem egy átfogó zenei-pedagógiai koncepciót is bemutatnak. Az új, javított kiadás egyetlen, korszerű kézikönyvben ötvözi az eredeti útmutatók tartalmát, modernizálva a nyelvezetet, javítva a sajtóhibákat, és átszerkesztve a teljes szöveg- és kottaanyagot. Ez a megújult kiadás nemcsak a zeneiskolai szolfézstanárok mindennapi munkájának hatékony segédanyaga, hanem Dobszay László széles látókörű, időtálló zenei-pedagógiai koncepciójának leghitelesebb tanúja is.
English Translation – Overview
The six-volume Útmutató A hangok világa tanításához solfege textbook series originally appeared between 1966 and 1972, with a dedicated teacher’s guide for each volume. These guides not only explain the textbook examples and provide solutions to exercises but also introduce a comprehensive music-pedagogical concept that has significantly contributed to the high standard of elementary music education in Hungary and beyond over the past half-century. The new revised edition consolidates all six guides into one modern, user-friendly handbook, correcting earlier misprints, modernizing outdated phrasing, and restructuring the entire text and score material. This updated guide serves as both an essential aid for school solfege teachers and the most authentic testament to Dobszay László’s far-reaching and timeless music-pedagogical vision.
Product Features
- Binding & Format:
- Paperback with a durable binding suitable for daily classroom use
- Content:
- Comprehensive teacher’s guide covering six volumes of solfege textbooks
- Updated content with corrected misprints, modernized language, and restructured text and musical examples
- Editorial notes referencing the most important recent publications related to specific topics
- Ideal For:
- Music educators and solfege teachers seeking a comprehensive Hungarian teacher’s guide for solfege education
- Educational institutions aiming to enhance their music pedagogy resources with an updated, all-in-one solfege handbook
- Collectors and researchers interested in historically significant and modernized music education literature from Hungary
Interesting Facts
Historical Significance:
The original Útmutató A hangok világa series played a pivotal role in shaping the high standard of basic music education in Hungary and has been admired worldwide for its innovative approach to solfege instruction. -
Comprehensive Revision:
The revised edition not only unifies the six individual guides into one volume but also updates and refines the material by eliminating outdated references and modernizing the overall presentation, making it a vital resource for contemporary music pedagogy. -
Educational Impact:
Beyond its function as a practical teaching tool, this guide encapsulates Dobszay László’s influential music-pedagogical concepts, reflecting decades of commitment to and evolution in Hungarian music education.
English Translation – Interesting Facts
Historical Significance:
The original Útmutató A hangok világa series has been instrumental in establishing a high standard for elementary music education in Hungary and is celebrated worldwide for its innovative approach to solfege instruction. -
Comprehensive Revision:
This revised edition consolidates six separate guides into one cohesive volume, updating and refining the material by removing obsolete references and modernizing its presentation—making it an essential resource for today’s music educators. -
Educational Impact:
More than just a teaching aid, this guide stands as a true testament to Dobszay László’s enduring and influential music-pedagogical ideas, which have shaped Hungarian music education for decades.
Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. All rights reserved under ISBN 9789633307786.
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