Dinyés Dániel: Prose for piano – Contemporary Hungarian Piano Piece | Piano Sheet Music
Product Information
- Item Number: 14618
- ISMN: 9790080146187 / 979-0080146187
- Product Type: Piano Sheet Music
- Series: EMB Contemporary Music
- Genre: Contemporary Hungarian Works
- Period: Contemporary Music
- Language: Hungarian, English
- Length: 12 pages
- Format: A/4
- Published: March 2008
- Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
"Dinyés Dániel: Prose for piano" is a thought-provoking contemporary piano composition that blurs the boundaries between language and music. Inspired by the formal devices in Péter Esterházy’s book 'Egy n’ (A Woman), the piece opens with the evocative line, "There’s a woman. She loves me." It invites the listener to ponder the infinite ways a sentence might be continued and the endless solutions to a given equation. This 12-page score, presented in an A/4 format, is an innovative exploration of musical prose that challenges performers to think beyond traditional boundaries. It is perfect for advanced pianists, educators, and collectors looking to buy contemporary Hungarian piano sheet music online and experience a unique blend of literary inspiration and musical creativity.
Hungarian Translation – Overview (Áttekintés)
_"Dinyés Dániel: Próza zongorára" egy gondolatébresztő, kortárs zongoramű, amely a nyelv és a zene határainak elmosásával játszik. Péter Esterházy 'Egy n’' ( A Woman ) című művének formális eszközei ihlették ezt a darabot, amely azzal a kifejező mondattal indul, hogy "There’s a woman. She loves me." A zene meghívja a hallgatót, hogy elgondolkodjon azon, hányféleképpen folytatható egy mondat, és hány megoldás lehetséges egy egyenletre. Ez a 12 oldalas kotta, A/4-es formátumban, az irodalmi ihlet és a zenei kreativitás egyedi ötvözetét kínálja, mely túlmutat a hagyományos határokon. Ideális választás haladó zongoristák, oktatók és gyűjtők számára, akik autentikus kortárs magyar zongorakottát szeretnének vásárolni online.
Product Features
- Innovative Musical Prose:
This piece transforms the concept of a written sentence into a musical narrative, inviting performers to explore multiple interpretative possibilities. - Bilingual Presentation:
With texts in both Hungarian and English, the score caters to a diverse audience and enriches the performance experience. - Educational and Collectible:
Part of the EMB Contemporary Music series, it is an essential resource for educators and advanced pianists interested in contemporary Hungarian works. - Long-Tail Keywords Integrated:
buy contemporary Hungarian piano sheet music online, download innovative Dinyés Dániel piano composition digital copy, advanced contemporary Hungarian piano piece for modern educators, unique musical prose piano score for collectors
Interesting Facts
- Literary Inspiration:
The opening line, "There’s a woman. She loves me," is a direct nod to the literary experimentation in Péter Esterházy’s 'Egy n’', making the piece a fascinating study in the interplay between text and music. - Conceptual Depth:
The composition poses intriguing questions about the continuity of language and musical ideas—how does a sentence, or a musical phrase, continue? This makes it an engaging work for both performers and scholars. - Series Contribution:
As part of the EMB Contemporary Music series, it represents the cutting edge of modern Hungarian music education and composition. - Long-Tail Keywords Emphasis:
Ideal for piano educators and collectors searching for a rare, advanced contemporary piano score, available as a digital download or physical copy online.
Published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest in March 2008. All rights reserved under item number 14618 and ISMN 9790080146187 / 979-0080146187.
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Hungarian (Címkék):
#DinyésDániel #PrózaZongorára #KortársMagyarMűvek #EMBContemporaryMusic #InnovatívZongoramű #MagyarKottavásárlásOnline #HaladóZongorakompozíció #DigitálisLetöltésZene