Die Gott hat dich lieb Bibel (The Jesus Storybook Bible in German)
ISBN: 978-386590423 / 978386590423 / 9783865914323 / 978-3865914323
Language of the book is German
A beautifully crafted children's Bible that weaves together all biblical stories into one grand narrative of God's love, with Jesus at its center. This unique edition presents Bible stories in a way that shows how every story whispers Jesus's name, making it both engaging and meaningful for readers of all ages.
Children ages 4 to 8 have a hard time grasping the concept of “God.” But it can be done through the person of Jesus. Told in a wonderfully inviting style, this Bible storybook shares many beloved Bible stories and reveals how the news and message of Jesus unfolds throughout Scripture, from the Old Testament all the way through the New Testament. Jesus in the Story helps readers love and appreciate Jesus and begin their own journey of faith. Beautiful 4-color artwork throughout.
Product Features
- Author: Sally Lloyd-Jones
- Illustrator: Jago Silver
- Publisher: Gerth Medien
- Original Publisher: Zondervan Publishing
- German Translation: Karoline Ku
- Publication Year: 2016 (6th Edition)
- Printed on: FSC-certified Gardamatt Art paper
- Printed in: Milan
- Hardcover
- Pages 356
Interesting Facts
- Originally published in English as "The Jesus Storybook Bible"
- Dedicated to Harry, Olivia, Emily, Eleanor, and Jonathan
- Features a unique approach showing how all Bible stories connect to Jesus
- Bible quotations primarily from Gute Nachricht Bible (revised 2000 edition)
- Includes a special message about becoming God's beloved child (based on John 1:12-13)
- Combines storytelling with theological depth
- Features stunning illustrations throughout
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German Translation:
Eine liebevoll gestaltete Kinderbibel, die alle biblischen Geschichten zu einer großen Erzählung von Gottes Liebe verbindet, mit Jesus im Mittelpunkt. Diese besondere Ausgabe präsentiert die Bibelgeschichten so, dass in jeder Geschichte der Name Jesus mitschwingt, was sie sowohl für kleine als auch große Leser bedeutungsvoll macht.
- Einzigartiger Ansatz, der zeigt, wie alle Bibelgeschichten mit Jesus verbunden sind
- Persönliche Widmungen der Autoren
- Kombination aus spannender Erzählweise und theologischer Tiefe
- Hochwertige Illustrationen
- Besondere Botschaft über die Kindschaft Gottes
#GottHatDichLieb #Kinderbibel #ChristlicheBücher #Bibelgeschichten #ChristlicheErziehung