
Diagnosing the soul and Hagiotherapy by Tomislav Ivančić / Third Revised Edition / Translated from Croatian by Jenet Berković - Dijagnoza duše i hagioterapija

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Diagnosing the Soul and Hagiotherapy

ISBN: 9783902521040 / 978-3902521040
ISBN-10: 390252104X
Format: Hardcover
Publication Year: 2010
Pages: 540
Publisher: Grafocommerce
Language: English / Engleski


"Diagnosing the Soul and Hagiotherapy" is the third revised edition of Dr. Tomislav Ivančić’s influential work that explores the integration of theology, philosophy, and modern medicine through the lens of hagiotherapy. This comprehensive manual serves as a guide to understanding the hagiotherapeutic method, which aims to heal the spirit, soul, and body, addressing the moral and spiritual suffering that conventional medicine often overlooks.

Product Features

  • Format: Hardcover
  • Publication Year: 2010
  • Pages: 540
  • Publisher: Grafocommerce
  • Language: English / Engleski

Interesting Facts

Dr. Tomislav Ivančić, a renowned theologian and priest, developed the method of hagiotherapy after extensive studies in philosophy and theology, earning his doctorate from the Papal Gregorian University in Rome. He founded the Centre for Spiritual Help in Zagreb in 1990, where he has dedicated his life to exploring the existential and spiritual dimensions of human beings.

His work emphasizes that even the most advanced medical specializations can struggle to alleviate deep moral or spiritual pain. Through hagiotherapy, which focuses on spiritual healing, many have found effective relief from their suffering. This book consolidates his years of experience and research into a practical guide for both practitioners and those seeking spiritual healing.

About the Author

Dr. Tomislav Ivančić was born in Davor, Croatia. After studying philosophy and theology in Zagreb and Rome, he was ordained a priest in 1966. His academic career includes serving as a professor at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Zagreb and contributing to various theological publications. His research focuses on the existential-spiritual dimensions of humanity and the development of spiritual medicine as a complement to somatic and psychiatric treatments.

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Hrvatski Pregled

Medicina često ni sa svojim najrazvijenijim specijalizacijama ne može pomoći čovjeku koji trpi ili moralno pati. Ipak, četrnaestogodišnje iskustvo i praksa pokazali su da liječenje hagioterapijskim metodama djelotvorno liječi ili ublažava boli duhovne naravi. To je najsveobuhvatnija knjiga dr. Ivančića iz područja hagioterapije, knjiga koja može poslužiti kao sveobuhvatan udžbenik o hagioterapiji i njenim dosadašnjim dosezima u teoriji i praksi.

Zanimljive Činjenice

Dr. Tomislav Ivančić, poznati teolog i svećenik, razvio je metodu hagioterapije nakon opsežnih studija filozofije i teologije, stječući doktorat na Papinskom gregorijanskom sveučilištu u Rimu. Osnovao je Centar za duhovnu pomoć u Zagrebu 1990. godine, gdje je posvetio život istraživanju egzistencijalnih i duhovnih dimenzija ljudskog bića.

Hála Hálózati Hashtagek

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