David - People of the Book Series
Explore the life of David, one of the most fascinating figures in the Bible, through David - People of the Book Series. This engaging book brings the narrative of David to life, chronicling his struggles, intrigue, betrayal, and ultimate triumph. Taken from the biblical books of 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 Kings, this edition uses the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible to present the timeless story of a shepherd boy who became king. With an introduction by Diane Glancy and illustrations by Fiona King, this book invites readers to experience the Bible through the lens of real people and their extraordinary journeys of faith.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 115
- Language: English
- Publisher: International Bible Society (IBS Publishing)
- Publication Year: 2000
Interesting Facts
- About the Series: The People of the Book Series focuses on key biblical figures, bringing their stories into a relatable and accessible format for modern readers.
- This volume centers on David, delving into his complex life filled with moments of faith, courage, and human vulnerability.
- The story is drawn directly from the biblical text, making it both a compelling narrative and a study tool for exploring Scripture.
- Diane Glancy, the author of the introduction, is an acclaimed poet and writer whose work often explores themes of spirituality and faith.
- Fiona King’s illustrations add a visual layer to David’s story, enhancing the reader’s experience.
- Publisher: International Bible Society (IBS Publishing)
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