
Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life - Indonesian edition / Ayat Firman Tuhan dan Refleksi dari 40 Days of Purpose oleh Rick Warren

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Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life - Indonesian Edition

Ayat Firman Tuhan dan Refleksi dari 40 Days of Purpose oleh Rick Warren

  • ISBN: 9789793739953 / 978-9793739953
  • ISBN-10: 9793739959
  • Product Type: Paperback
  • Publication Year: 2010
  • Edition: 2nd edition
  • Pages: 293
  • Publisher: Immanuel Publishing House
  • Language: Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia


Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life is a companion book to Rick Warren’s best-selling The Purpose Driven Life, offering daily reflections and Bible verses to inspire and guide readers through their spiritual journey. This Indonesian edition, Ayat Firman Tuhan dan Refleksi dari 40 Days of Purpose, provides 40 days of encouragement, each section aligning with the corresponding chapters in The Purpose Driven Life. It’s an excellent resource for daily devotion or as a complement to the original book, designed to help readers deepen their faith and discover God’s purpose for their lives.

Product Features

  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 293
  • Language: Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia
  • Publisher: Immanuel Publishing House
  • Publication Year: 2010
  • Edition: 2nd edition

Interesting Facts

  • Each daily reflection includes Bible verses carefully selected by Rick Warren, along with excerpts from The Purpose Driven Life.
  • Offers practical guidance and spiritual inspiration for readers seeking to align their lives with God’s purpose.
  • The book is structured as a 40-day journey, making it an ideal devotional tool for individuals or small groups.
  • Translated into Indonesian by Tammy Tiarawati Rusli, ensuring the message resonates with local readers while maintaining the integrity of the original text.

About the Author

Rick Warren is an American evangelical pastor and author, best known as the founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church, one of the largest megachurches in the United States. His book, The Purpose Driven Life, has sold over 30 million copies and remains a cornerstone of Christian literature, helping millions discover their purpose in life. Known for his engaging and practical writing style, Warren continues to influence global Christian communities through his books, conferences, and ministries.


Publisher: Immanuel Publishing House
Publication Year: 2010

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#DailyInspiration #PurposeDrivenLife #RickWarren #ChristianDevotions #ImmanuelPublishing #IndonesianEdition #40DaysOfPurpose #SpiritualGrowth #FaithJourney #InspirationalBooks

Indonesian Translation


Ayat Firman Tuhan dan Refleksi dari 40 Days of Purpose adalah buku pendamping dari buku laris Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, yang menawarkan refleksi harian dan ayat-ayat Alkitab untuk menginspirasi dan memandu pembaca dalam perjalanan rohani mereka. Edisi Indonesia ini menyajikan 40 hari renungan yang masing-masing sesuai dengan bab-bab dalam The Purpose Driven Life. Buku ini merupakan sumber daya yang luar biasa untuk devosi harian atau sebagai pelengkap buku asli, dirancang untuk membantu pembaca memperdalam iman mereka dan menemukan tujuan hidup yang diberikan Tuhan.

Fakta Menarik

  • Setiap refleksi harian mencakup ayat-ayat Alkitab yang dipilih dengan cermat oleh Rick Warren, bersama dengan kutipan dari The Purpose Driven Life.
  • Memberikan panduan praktis dan inspirasi spiritual bagi pembaca yang ingin menyelaraskan hidup mereka dengan tujuan Tuhan.
  • Buku ini disusun sebagai perjalanan 40 hari, sehingga sangat cocok untuk alat devosi individu atau kelompok kecil.
  • Diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Tammy Tiarawati Rusli, memastikan pesan buku ini dapat diterima dengan baik oleh pembaca lokal sambil mempertahankan keaslian teks aslinya.


#InspirasiHarian #PurposeDrivenLife #RickWarren #DevosiKristen #ImmanuelPublishing #EdisiIndonesia #40HariTujuan #PertumbuhanRohani #PerjalananIman #BukuInspiratif

Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life - Indonesian edition 2

Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life - Indonesian edition 2

Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life - Indonesian edition 2

Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life - Indonesian edition 2

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