Czech Children's Bible / The Lion Read and Know Bible in Czech Language / Detska Bible Cti A Poznavej
The Czech Children's Bible - The Lion Read and Know Bible (Detska Bible Cti A Poznavej) is a beautifully illustrated edition of the Bible, designed specifically for children. This Bible brings to life the well-known stories from the Old and New Testaments with vibrant illustrations, making it an engaging and educational tool for young readers. With simple text and child-friendly explanations, it helps children understand the significance of biblical stories while developing their love for God's Word.
Czech Children's Bible - The Lion Read and Know Bible (Detska Bible Cti A Poznavej) iki minangka edisi Alkitab sing digambar kanthi apik, dirancang khusus kanggo bocah-bocah. Alkitab iki nggawa urip cerita-cerita saka Perjanjian Lama lan Anyar kanthi ilustrasi sing cerah, nggawe dadi alat sing nyenengake lan edukatif kanggo pembaca enom. Kanthi teks sing sederhana lan penjelasan sing cocog kanggo bocah, alkitab iki mbantu bocah-bocah ngerti pentingé cerita Alkitab nalika ngembangake katresnan marang Firman Allah.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 384 pages
- Language: Czech
- Publisher: Bible Society (2013)
- ISBN-10: 8085810883
- ISBN-13: 978-8085810882
Fitur Produk:
- Format: Kover keras
- Pesen: 384 kaca
- Basa: Ceko
- Penerbit: Bible Society (2013)
- ISBN-10: 8085810883
- ISBN-13: 978-8085810882
Interesting Facts
- Designed for Children: This Bible is perfect for young readers, with easy-to-understand text and engaging illustrations.
- Educational and Fun: The combination of vibrant pictures and simple storytelling makes the Bible stories accessible and enjoyable for children.
- Trusted Publisher: Published by Bible Society, a trusted name in Christian publishing for families and children.
Fakta Menarik:
- Dirancang kanggo Bocah-Bocah: Alkitab iki cocog banget kanggo pembaca enom, kanthi teks sing gampang dimengerti lan ilustrasi sing nyenengake.
- Edukasi lan Nyenengake: Gabungan gambar sing cerah lan cerita sing sederhana nggawe cerita-cerita Alkitab dadi gampang lan nyenengake kanggo bocah-bocah.
- Penerbit sing Terpercaya: Diterbitake dening Bible Society, sawijining jeneng sing dipercaya ing penerbitan Kristen kanggo keluarga lan bocah-bocah.
Author & Illustrator
- Author: Sophie Piperová
- Illustrator: Anthony Lewis
Penulis & Ilustrator:
- Penulis: Sophie Piperová
- Ilustrator: Anthony Lewis
#CzechChildrensBible #LionReadAndKnowBible #KidsBibleCzech #BibleForChildren #CzechFaith #FullColorBible #BibleWithPictures #BibleForKids #EducationalBible