
Czech Bible / New Translation / Bible Cesky Preklad 21. stoleti / Biblicke texty

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Czech Bible / Modern New Translation

Bible Cesky Preklad 21. stoleti / Biblicke texty

  • Author : Bible Society
  • Leather Bound, Edition 2009
  • Publisher : Bible Society
  • Language : Czech
  • Pages : 1564
  • ISBN: 9788087282052 / 978-8087282052


Bible21 (Bible: translation of the 21st century) is a translation of the Bible into common literary Czech of the 21st century based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts. The Bible21 project was created based on the desire of individuals to create a living and credible translation of the Bible in contemporary Czech and thus bring the timeless message and stories of the Bible to today's generation of readers in a natural form. 

The Bible is the most widespread and widely read book in human history. Whether it is philosophy, literature, visual arts, music, architecture, law or politics, our civilization still overtly or covertly draws from the biblical message. Knowing the characters, stories and sayings of this Book undoubtedly belongs to the foundations of every person's education. 

The Bible tells the stories of ordinary people throughout history, whose destiny was touched by God's revelation, an experience with God himself. The Bible, although it consists of several dozen books of the Old and New Testaments from different historical periods, gives a comprehensive message to humanity and clarifies the meaning of its existence. 

Bible21 (Bible: překlad 21. století) je překlad Bible do běžné literární češtiny 21.století vycházející z původních hebrejských, aramejských a řeckých textů. Projekt Bible21 vznikl na základě touhy jednotlivců vytvořit živý a věrohodný překlad Bible v současné češtině a přinést tak nadčasové poselství a příběhy Bible i dnešní generaci čtenářů v přirozené formě.

Bible je nejrozšířenější a nejčtenější knihou v dějinách lidstva. Ať už jde o filosofii, literaturu, výtvarné umění, hudbu, architekturu, právo či politiku, naše civilizace dosud zjevně či skrytě čerpá z biblického poselství. Znát postavy, příběhy a výroky této Knihy patří bezesporu k základům vzdělanosti každého člověka.

Bible vypráví příběhy obyčejných lidí napříč dějinami, jejichž osud zasáhlo Boží zjevení, zkušenost s Bohem samým. Bible, i když se skládá z několika desítek knih Starého a Nového zákona z různých historických období, podává ucelené poselství lidstvu a objasňuje smysl jeho existence.







Bible21 Team


Bible21 Foundation

Office Manager: Lubos Kendra

kendraLubos Kendra (born 1960) has been involved in Bible21 Foundation from its very beginings. He together with his wife supported its activities from 1994 and later in 1998 became its Office Mananer. From that point on, Lubos was in charge of Bible distribution. We also thank him for typesetting of Bible21 and other books.

Lubos lives in Ceske Budejovice, he is married and has two daughters.

BIBLION, o.s. Publishing House

CEO: Tomas Polivka

tomasTomas Polivka, MA (born 1980) joined in 2014 as CEO of BIBLION, o.s. Publishing House. Besides his engagement in Biblion, he also works in a Christian music editorship ROSA and is also involved in organizing festivals VOX and UNITED.
He is married and has three daughters. Tomas lives in Klecany near Prague

Bible21 Translators:

Alexandr Flek, BA, MTh, was born 1968 in a Marxist family. At the age of 18 he became a Christian and since the Velvet revolution he served as a pastor of a young congregation in Prague. After several years of a national teaching and church-planting ministry, he responded to the challenge of new Bible translation. Since 1994 he has been the Bible21 chief translator.

Alexander obtained his first degree in theology in Uppsala, Sweden, and later completed the postgraduate Biblical studies programme at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague. He was particularly influenced by studying under two of the NIV translators, Dr. Roy Hayden and Dr. Martin Selman. Alexander and his wife Katherine have two daughters and two sons.


Jiri Hedanek, MA was born in 1956. After coming to faith in 1970’s, he studied at an underground Roman Catholic seminary. Later he graduated at Prague Charles University, majoring in linguistics-phonetics and in translation theory. He also studied Hebrew and Aramaic at the Hussite Theological Seminary in Prague.

At the time of Communist oppression, Jiri Hedanek wrote an apologetic book The Resurrection, which was secretly published and became very popular. After years of academic and professional experience, he joined the Bible21 project in 1999, first as an editor, then a fellow-translator of the Old Testament. His competence and his deep spirituality have been of great benefit to the Bible21 work. Jiri and his wife Eva have a daughter and a son.


JP2Jiri Pavlik, PhD (born 1970) is a graduate of Catholic Theological Seminary of Charles University in Prague. He also completed his studies of Greek and Latin at Philosophical Faculty of Charles University. In 2007, he earned his doctorate there in the area of Classical Philology. The areas of his scholarly interest include ancient Greek literature, Christian monastic spirituality, and the history of rhetorics and stylistics.

Since 2007 he serves as a vice-dean of the Hussite Theological Seminary in Prague, where he is a lecturer of New Testament Greek. His translation work includes, among other titles: Apofthegmata I, II and III The Sayings and Stories of the Desert Fathers, and Theodoretos of Kyrros: Historia religiosa –
The God-pleasing History of the Syrian Monks
. In 2010, he joined the Bble21 team as a translator of Deuterocanonical (OT Apocrypha) books. Jiri lives in Prague with his wife and their two little children.

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