Cure For The Common Life (DVD) By Max Lucado
Product Type: Unknown Binding
ISBN-10: 0849998670
ISBN-13: 978-0849998676 / 9780849998676
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 4.8 x 0.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds
Overview / Pregled
Do you arise each morning, work all day, watch TV at night, go to bed, and then do it all over again the next day? Max Lucado says there IS a cure for the doldrums of daily life. The answer is to find your "sweet spot." God tailored your life to fit an empty spot in His jigsaw puzzle, and once you find your spot, life makes sweet sense. In "Cure for the Common Life," Max Lucado offers practical tools for exploring and identifying your uniqueness, putting your strengths to work, and living in your "sweet spot" for the rest of your life.
Svako jutro se budite, radite cijeli dan, gledate TV navečer, idete na spavanje, a zatim sve ponavljate sljedeći dan? Max Lucado kaže da postoji lijek za dosadu svakodnevnog života. Odgovor je pronaći svoje "slatko mjesto." Bog je prilagodio vaš život kako bi odgovarao praznom mjestu u njegovom mozaiku, a kada pronađete svoje mjesto, život postaje slatko smislen. U "Lijeku za uobičajeni život," Max Lucado nudi praktične alate za istraživanje i identifikaciju svoje jedinstvenosti, stavljanje svojih snaga na rad i život u svom "slatkom mjestu" do kraja života.
Product Features / Karakteristike Proizvoda
- Format: Unknown Binding
- ISBN-10: 0849998670
- ISBN-13: 978-0849998676 / 9780849998676
- Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 4.8 x 0.2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds
- Approximate Run Time: 68 minutes
Interesting Facts / Zanimljive Činjenice
This DVD special features insights from Max Lucado that inspire viewers to reflect on their lives and identify their God-given purposes. With engaging storytelling and practical guidance, Lucado encourages you to embrace your individuality and make a meaningful impact in the world.
Ovaj DVD sadrži uvide Maxa Lucada koji inspiriraju gledatelje da razmišljaju o svojim životima i identificiraju svoje Bogom dane svrhe. Uz zanimljivo pripovijedanje i praktične smjernice, Lucado vas potiče da prihvatite svoju individualnost i ostavite značajan trag u svijetu.
Are you ready to transform your life? This DVD provides the motivation and tools you need to discover your unique purpose and live it out every day.
Jeste li spremni transformirati svoj život? Ovaj DVD pruža motivaciju i alate koje trebate za otkrivanje svoje jedinstvene svrhe i svakodnevno je ostvarivati.
Track Listing / Popis Pjesama
Not applicable for this DVD.
Nije primjenjivo za ovaj DVD.
Publishers / Izdavači
Max Lucado
This DVD is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enrich their life and discover their unique calling through faith and personal reflection.
Max Lucado
Ovaj DVD je dragocjen resurs za svakoga tko želi obogatiti svoj život i otkriti svoje jedinstveno pozivanje kroz vjeru i osobno promišljanje.
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Hashtags / Hashtags
#CureForTheCommonLife #MaxLucado #DVD #Purpose #Faith #SelfDiscovery #SpiritualGrowth
#LijekZaUobičajeniŽivot #MaxLucado #DVD #Svrha #Vjera #Samootkrivanje #DuhovniRazvoj