Csemiczky Miklós: Three Choruses for Mixed Voices – "Békadalok" | Sheet Music
Product Information
- Catalog Number: 12388
- ISMN: 9790080123881 / 979-0080123881
- Product Type: Sheet Music for Mixed Voices (a cappella)
- Instrumentation: SAB (Soprano, Alto, Bass)
- Genre: Choral Work (Contemporary Hungarian)
- Language: Hungarian
- Grade: 2
- Length: 8 pages
- Format: B/5 (17 x 24 cm)
- Publication Date: January 1983
- Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
"Three Choruses for Mixed Voices – 'Békadalok'" is a delightful choral work composed by Csemiczky Miklós with texts by Weöres Sándor. Arranged for an SAB a cappella ensemble, the piece is accessible to intermediate choirs (Grade 2) and features playful, nature-inspired themes. The work comprises three choruses, each offering a unique perspective on its light-hearted subject matter, making it a charming addition to contemporary Hungarian choral repertoire.
Hungarian Translation - Overview (Áttekintés)
„Három vegyeskar – 'Békadalok'” Csemiczky Miklós műve, melynek szövegét Weöres Sándor írta, bájos kórusmű, amelyet SAB (szoprán, alt, basszus) a cappella előadásra rendeztek. A 2-es nehézségű mű vidám, természetihletettségű témákat dolgoz fel, három különálló kórusrészletből állva, melyek mindegyike sajátos hangulatot áraszt, így kiváló választás a kortárs magyar kórusrepertoárban.
Product Features
- Setting: Mixed Voices (a cappella)
- Page Count: 8 pages of clear and concise notation
- Design: Printed in B/5 format (17 x 24 cm) for ease of reading
- Content:Theme: Combines light-hearted musicality with nature-inspired imagery to create an enjoyable choral experience
- Three engaging choruses with vivid, playful texts
- Suitable for intermediate choirs (Grade 2)
- Exemplifies contemporary Hungarian choral writing
- A kőbéka
- Béka-béka kiknek esik az eső
- Nád alól
Published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest in January 1983. All rights reserved under catalog number 12388 and ISMN 9790080123881 / 979-0080123881.
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#CsemiczkyMiklós #Békadalok #ContemporaryChoral #MixedVoices #HungarianChoral #EMBContemporaryMusic #ChoralWork
Hungarian (Cimkék):
#CsemiczkyMiklós #Békadalok #Kórusmű #Vegyeskar #MagyarZene #EMBKortárs #KönnyűKórus