Biblija - Croatian language Holy Bible with parallel passages
GBV - Živa Riječ 2012 / Ivan Vrtarić translation / Hardcover
GBV 07102 / Sveto pismo sa paralelnim stihovima
- Hardcover 2012
- ISBN: 9783866987265 / 978-3866987265
- ISBN-10: 3866987269
- PAGES: 1238
- PUBLISHER: Gute Boschraft Verlag
- LANGUAGE: Croatian / Hrvatski
English Description:
Croatian language Holy Bible with parallel passages on the page margins. Translation by Ivan Vrtarić
The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Translation by Ivan Vrtarić. Dimensions: 21 x 15 cm
This translation of the Bible was made with the firm belief that the text of the original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments (autographs) was preserved in the copies of the traditional text that have been preserved to this day by God's providence, and not that only the original manuscripts were inspired and infallible. Because: "The words of the LORD are pure words; like silver melted in an earthen furnace, purified seven times. You will keep them, LORD; you will preserve them from this generation forever" (Psalm 12:6,7).
– Ivan Vrtarić, translator
Croatian Description:
Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga zavjeta. Prijevod Ivan Vrtarić. Dimenzije: 21 x 15 cm
Ovaj prijevod Biblije rađen je sa čvrstim uvjerenjem da je tekst izvornih rukopisa Staroga i Novoga zavjeta (autografa) sačuvan u prijepisima tradicionalnoga teksta koji su nam do danas sačuvani Božjim proviđenjem, a ne da su nadahnuti i nepogrešivi bili samo izvorni rukopisi. Jer: „Riječi GOSPODINOVE su riječi čiste; kao srebro u zemljanoj peći pretopljeno, sedam puta pročišćeno. Ti ćeš ih čuvati, GOSPODINE; ti ćeš ih očuvati od ovoga naraštaja zauvijek“ (Psalam 12,6.7).
– Ivan Vrtarić, prevoditelj